Fox "News"

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Post by mglenn » Sep 16th 2003, 3:14 pm

You seem to be confusing Afganistan and Iraq. Are you one of those 60% that think there's evidence that Saddam had a hand in 9/11?
I'll state that there's evidence that at least one of the hijackers met with Iraqis Intelligence officers. Other than that no... I don't think Saddam was a major player. What I stated was that the US picked a fight with the biggest baddest bully on that block. Iraq was the military power of the middle east. They had billions of dollars worth of the latest Russian, Chinese and French military hardware. It lasted for 21 days.

Do you think that raised or lowered the amount of orders for French, Russian and Chinese military hardware?

What effect do you think it had on governments and their forgein policy plans in places like Syria, Iran and N. Korea when it comes to state sponsored terrorism?

Why don't I hear questions like that being asked to Donald Rumsfeld?
Where is Osama bin Laden?
If he's not buried under rocks in Tora Bora, he's more than likely somewhere in the mountains between Afganistan and Packistan. More than likely in a small party with limited contact. Very unlikely to beable to plan or assist in any major planning without giving away his location. (Low Threat)
Where is Mullah Omar?
Same boat as above.
Why is the 9/11 Commission underfunded?
Cause we need the money to study socialized prescription drug plans, social security, welfare...and the rest of Herr Hillary's Plans! :-P
Why have contracts for the rebuilding of Iraq been awarded without bidding and competition?
Because it would delay the rebuilding of Iraq even longer. The quickest way to bring stablity to that region is to setup a society that is capable of producing wealth. Content people are much less likely to become radical extremist. The sooner we have basic facilities the sooner more extensive facilities can be built that will provide jobs and income to those people. Its much harder to convince a person with a job and a family to blow himself up for Allah.
These are only a few of what should be put up to our Prez. But if they do, they'll never get back into the Whitehouse again. Its sad that our Prez can't answer the tough questions, and has to kick people out of his house for doing so...
Why is it that you think these questions aren't asked? I here them over and over and over again!!! I think its more that the left doesn't like the answers more than they right hasn't listened to them.
Why, when there are good arguements against Bush does the right always point fingers back at Clinton? Own up and answer them without diverting attention and pointing fingers!
First off most of them are answered, the left doesn't want to here it. So they continue to dig and dig and dig looking for the incriminating piece of evidence. The right on the other hand says look all you want thats great, but why are you looking so hard now when its Bush , but when it was good old Bill and there was evidence you didn't want to look at it and asked everyone to move along. Its not the discussion the right has a problem with its the double standard.
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Post by andrewgd » Sep 17th 2003, 2:01 am

mglenn wrote:Very unlikely to beable to plan or assist in any major planning without giving away his location. (Low Threat)
So I guess it was "DEAD OR ALIVE...or until we decide to consider him a low threat."
Cause we need the money to study socialized prescription drug plans, social security, welfare...and the rest of Herr Hillary's Plans! :-P
So again, the question isn't answered, but is turned into an attack on the left.
but when it was good old Bill and there was evidence you didn't want to look at it and asked everyone to move along. Its not the discussion the right has a problem with its the double standard.
Double Standard. Exactly. So there was a huge investigation to see if Bill asked someone to keep their relationship private, but now an investigation that would shed light on what Bush and his buddies knew about the 9/11 attack before hand is underfunded. Hmm. Double standard?

Maybe we can agree that both sides have double standards. I'm ok with that agreement. :)
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Post by mglenn » Sep 17th 2003, 1:19 pm

andrewgd wrote:So I guess it was "DEAD OR ALIVE...or until we decide to consider him a low threat."
Come on Andrew... Look at the context. I can go out into the Sierra Nevada's and be damn hard to find if I have no contact. But if I start having contact then there has to be someone coming or going on a regular basis or radio comms of some form. Once that happens you can track and find me. But if its not happening then I also can't be involved in planning another attack. What is the major goal, to find Osama or to stop attacks? Sure finding Osama is a goal and we are looking. But it’s a secondary goal. What I was saying is that we are accomplishing the primary goal, which is to destroy al-queda's ability to plan and execute attacks.

andrewgd wrote:So again, the question isn't answered, but is turned into an attack on the left.
More sarcasm than an attack. See below for the reasons I don't grace this with much face time.
andrewgd wrote:So there was a huge investigation to see if Bill asked someone to keep their relationship private, but now an investigation that would shed light on what Bush and his buddies knew about the 9/11 attack before hand is underfunded.

First off the investigation was in to Whitewater and continued to expand as more wrong doings were uncovered and in the end resulted in over 100 indictments and the disbarment of Clinton for perjury. Yet so far the investigation in question has produced nothing of substance except the fact that there were warnings that were ignored by the FBI and CIA ( which is one of the reasons I feel we don’t need the Patriot Act ). And that Bush didn’t jump up and run out of a grade school class ( which would have surely had a traumatic effect on the school children ) when first notified.

Read The Cell by John Miller and Michael Stone for just how much was known about the hijackers and their plans. And yet the CIA and FBI under both Clinton and Bush dropped the ball when it came dealing with the information. This I with discuss with you day and night and would love to see a solution and I don't believe its the Patroit Act as it goes against everything this country was founded on.
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Post by Hunee » Oct 22nd 2003, 8:51 pm

why is fox news moto fair and balanced when obviously they are just as bad as cnn??? I would watch msn but they are so boring...
so make the best of this test, and dont ask why
its not a question, but a lesson learned in time its something unpredictable, but in the end is right i hope you had the time of your life

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Post by andrewgd » Oct 22nd 2003, 9:14 pm

Hunee wrote:why is fox news moto fair and balanced when obviously they are just as bad as cnn???
Good question. :P You can also add "We report, you decide" and "The Spin Stops Here" to that list of fake fox slogans.
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Post by Hunee » Oct 22nd 2003, 9:24 pm

I think all the news channels are full of shhh... I mean cnn is so liberal and one sided and even though fox does have different political standpoints they also go out of there way to hit below the belt so for them to say its fair in balanced is full of shhh!!! I guess it will never be fair and balanced... anywhere
so make the best of this test, and dont ask why
its not a question, but a lesson learned in time its something unpredictable, but in the end is right i hope you had the time of your life

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