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US people, recommend me some shows!!
I read that Joss W was trying to get some other TV network to take Firefly and that WB might have been interested. I don't really know the difference between FOX and WB, but I gather FOX goes to more people and so having a success or that channel is a bit bigger than having one on WB or similar. It seems stupid that they have just binned it without even airing all the episodes they paid for though. Did they even air the pilot? I also read that FOX scheduled it for a stupid time, hence the bad ratings. Pity really.
I'm glad to hear that SOPRANOS is still good though. I'd recommend you some UK stuff but there's not much on at the minute. We mostly get US series, then on-going UK soaps, and then dramas and stuff like that. SPOOKS was on about 6 months ago, that was a pretty good spy-drama, but I dunno if it'll end up on US TV. ITV did a remake of DR ZHIVAGO that was a complete butchering really, changed the ending so that it was happier, played up the sex and stuff like that...terrible, and I love the book.
Well the two things on UK TV that I am interested in right now are Spaced and The Office. And I am just waiting for the next seasons to come out on dvd so I can get my fix. Anything else on now similar to them?
The latest season of THE OFFICE is hilarious, if you work in an office at all it's probably the funniest thing you'll see all week. Sadly it's gonna be the last series too, which is good in that it won't become rubbish but it's a shame to see it go. Highlights include David Brent giving a lecture on Management, and his funny dancing on Comic Relief day. If you like THE OFFICE you probably should check out ALAN PARTRIDGE (if you've not seen it) which in terms of humour is along similar lines, it's about a chat-show host.
SPACED is on at a funny time so I've never actually seen it, plus I never record things for some reason. I probably should check it out seen as it's home grown.
That is too bad. I was hoping that this would last awhile, but I guess I could see it going stale fairly quickly. And yes I work in an office and a lot of it definitely is right on the mark. This one was completely a blind buy for me when I ordered the DVD. Calhoun (on here) recommended it so I gave it a go. Fell in love with it from the first episode. Hopefully this series will be more than the 6 eps. the first series was. Definitely you should check it out. It is really good. Plus this series (3rd) will be the last one for them. They don't want it to get stale either. I personally liked the first series better than the second one. Though the second one is still levels above most of the american shows. You are basically the same age as me, so you should really get a lot of the humor in Spaced (video games, movies, star wars...). It is definitely ideal for people in their mid to late 20s.
Damn. ![]() Sucks to hear that..but on the bright side atleast it will be available on dvd sooner ![]() I was going to recommend Firefly, but Fox pulled a Jamie Tarses and cancelled it before it had a chance.
![]() Maybe it's me. All the shows I fall in love with get canned... Max Headroom The Flash MSCL Relativity The Others The Job Firefly Brds of Prey ...and they yanked Don and Mike from my local radio station. It's a wonder that the Animated Batman and the current Dead Zone series have lasted as long as they did or have, despite my curse. I'm starting to take this personally... Gary
I hope it works out better than it did when people wrote to ABC and asked them not to cancel MSCL! Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?
Re: AliasDouble Espresso, you'll have to let me know how you like the Alias episodes you recently got. JJ Abrams is defiinitely the creative vision of Alias, and the show initially started with the lead character, Sydney Bristow, being at college. I never saw Felicity so I can't tell you how well it compares with Alias, but if you were a fan of Felicity, then I'm guessing you'll enjoy JJ's work on Alias as well.
"When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard
Its got a few good things going for it, one the cast loves the show and wants to continue... unlike other shows ( oh no! now I've gone and done it, Steve Reed is going to come after me! ![]() ![]() As for the Saprano's I HATED the last four or five episodes of the 4th season. It was almost torture to watch... they played around with a few things but in the end chickened out on everything. I'd go in to detail but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who's not seen it. Suffice to say that the Saprano's of the first three seasons always pushed the limits of tv and did those things that shows of the past didn't do. And with this season the plot line could have run on Doggie Howser M.D. The only reason I will watch the 5th season is so I can see my opinion that Meadow is going to take over the family come to fruishion! "When I disagree with a rational man, I let reality be our final arbiter; if I am right, he will learn; if I am wrong, I will; one of us will win, but both will profit." - Ayn Rand
My taste might be different from others but I like Gilmore Girls. At least the first 2 seasons. The third I'm a bit unsure about.
The STAND is great if you haven't seen it. I'm watching it from the first time. By Stephen King's book. TAKEN is good. By Stephen Spielberg. My bf recommends the Star Trek series, Voyager and Enterprise. And Smallville. That 70's Show! 5th season now. And I'm digging in old romantic series like Anne of Green Gables and Road to Avonlea but they're probably hard to get hold of. Ands if anyone has it I'm interested in The Mysteries Cities of Gold. ----------------
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