Saw something really cute yesterday...

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Rickie Love
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Saw something really cute yesterday...

Post by Rickie Love » Dec 13th 2002, 4:56 pm

Hiya folks -

Just thought I'd put this out there. I was in Blockbuster yesterday (I know, they 'basically' suck :wink: ) perusing their used dvd section, and behind me this woman and her daughter (about 5 years old) came in. They were talking and the woman tells her, "Well, you can choose a piece of candy from here, or we can have ice cream later, but you can't have both." in a very normal, reasonable manner - not the pissed off, impatient mom you sometimes see with kids while shopping, ya know? Anyway, the little girl pauses, and says, kinda to herself: "Hmmmm." in this real serious way, like she's got this big decision to make! :D Man, it was the coolest, cutest thing I've seen in a while. I know you kinda had to be there, and maybe it's just me, but it was one of those small moments that you sometimes miss and it made me lol.

Just thought I'd share - btw, the dvd purchase was in the 'guilty pleasure' catagory: Urban Cowboy!! AAAGGGHHH!!! :lol: I know, but I LOVE that movie, and every time I see it on tv, it's all cut to hell, and it was on sale and well, there. :wink:

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Post by Megs » Jan 29th 2003, 12:53 pm

That is so adorable. I like to dream that Mr. Megs and I will be that kind of patient and understanding parent.

I can't wait to be a mommy. :oops: I think that there would be nothing more fulfilling, aggravating, scary, or fun than to be a parent. We are just waiting for God to bless us with one (and wondering why it's taking him so long! :wink: ).
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Post by SanDeE* » Jan 29th 2003, 2:51 pm

Wow. That is cute. I have to admit, though, that I don't think about a lot of that stuff, like marriage and children. I know, I know, I'm only 20, right? Well yeah, but I do have several friends that are like, "I can't wait to get married! And I want to have 4 kids!" Some of these friends are still 19, too. One of my friends got married last September the week before her 20th birthday. It just freaks me out. Someday I'd hope to get married, but man, I'm just going to let it happen when it happens and not worry about it.
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Post by K-man » Jan 29th 2003, 3:06 pm

Kristin sounds like the most sensible female on the planet to me right now.
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Post by SanDeE* » Jan 29th 2003, 5:38 pm

Thanks K-man. I didn't mean that last post as any disrespect to Megs or anyone else. Megs is married and (I'm assuming) in a stable place financially, etc. So that's great for her that she wants to have kids. Best of luck, actually! I'm a sophomore in college, and I'm just thinking that my 19- and 20-year-old friends should just calm down about it. People can be so impatient sometimes, you know? Marriage and kids are two things I don't mind waiting a while for.
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Post by TomSpeed » Jan 29th 2003, 6:27 pm

There is nothing wrong with liking Urban Cowboy. It made my favorite movies list. Debra Winger. :oops: :!: :P

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jan 29th 2003, 6:31 pm

Unfortunately, that urge to get married doesn't ever go away - I know girls who are in their 20s and 30s who are obsessed with getting married (mostly my friends' girlfriends, much to our collective chagrin). Some of my relatives get on my case about why I'm not married yet, especially since I have been with my boyfriend for years. The way I figure, we know we love each other and that piece of paper won't change the way that we feel about each other. I don't feel like I have to trap him into a relationship to keep him from running away.

Not that I'm anti-marriage! We want to get married one day, but the one thing my nagging relatives sometimes forget is that a wedding costs a lot of money. I only plan on having one wedding, so I want it to be a great big party where we can all have a good time. If you think about it, once everyone finishes school, finds employment, settles down, etc. you look around and your friends and family are scattered everywhere. The one day of my life that I will be able to have everyone I love in one room is my wedding, so I want to take advantage of that and have lots of fun - and unfortunately, fun costs money. We are being practical about it - we know that we can't afford to rent a room and feed a bunch of people right now, so we can wait a little longer. Besides, as much as I love the thought of having a family, neither of us is ready for kids yet. There are still so many things that I want to do, so no rush on that front!


You have the right idea Kristin - have fun while you're in college instead of worrying about boyfriends and rings and getting married.
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Post by SanDeE* » Jan 29th 2003, 7:13 pm

Right on, sista! :D
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Post by GaryEA » Jan 29th 2003, 8:22 pm

I might be losing my mind, but I'm positive I saw an advertisement for "Urban Cowboy: The Musical" in the New York Times this week.

I guess the age-old question of whether or not a man can hold note while being thrashed around on a mechanical bull will finally be answered. :D


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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jan 29th 2003, 8:49 pm

Your eyes did not deceive you!

Urban Cowboy
Natasha aka candygirl ::

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Post by Megs » Jan 29th 2003, 9:45 pm

Everyone is different. I love being married and I can't wait to have children with my sweet husband. We are blessed enough to be able to afford children, when and if we can ever have any (I am having problems conceiving). Yeah, I'm young, but we have been through a lot together. We were lucky enough to afford a beautiful wedding, and we saw no point in waiting to get married. I don't mean to sound defensive, but I'm human. :)
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Re: Saw something really cute yesterday...

Post by lance » Jan 29th 2003, 10:38 pm

Rickie Love wrote:Hiya folks -

Just thought I'd put this out there. I was in Blockbuster yesterday (I know, they 'basically' suck :wink: ) perusing their used dvd section, and behind me this woman and her daughter (about 5 years old) came in. They were talking and the woman tells her, "Well, you can choose a piece of candy from here, or we can have ice cream later, but you can't have both." in a very normal, reasonable manner - not the pissed off, impatient mom you sometimes see with kids while shopping, ya know? Anyway, the little girl pauses, and says, kinda to herself: "Hmmmm." in this real serious way, like she's got this big decision to make! :D Man, it was the coolest, cutest thing I've seen in a while. I know you kinda had to be there, and maybe it's just me, but it was one of those small moments that you sometimes miss and it made me lol.

Just thought I'd share - btw, the dvd purchase was in the 'guilty pleasure' catagory: Urban Cowboy!! AAAGGGHHH!!! :lol: I know, but I LOVE that movie, and every time I see it on tv, it's all cut to hell, and it was on sale and well, there. :wink:

Rickie Love,

Great to see you post again! How have you been? No shame when it comes to DVD purchases. Being on sale doesn't hurt either.


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Post by TomSpeed » Jan 29th 2003, 11:03 pm

candygirl wrote:Your eyes did not deceive you!

Urban Cowboy
OH MY. I've never been to NYC. Guess I've been waiting to see Urban Cowboy: the Musical. See...procrastination paid off again!

Patty: If Rayanne's not seeing you, and we're not seeing you, who is seeing you?
Graham: And how much of you?
Angela: Dad!
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Post by Rickie Love » Jan 30th 2003, 12:50 am

Hiya LanceFactor :wink: And you other kit-cats...

Actually SirLance, I posted this a while back - kinda forgot about it, guess it got shuffled to a new catagory or something. But thanks for the greet! Been away these past few weeks, just thought I'd pop in, and LO! - responses. Was kindof expecting a bit of razzing for Urban Cowboy, but I do love it, reminds me of a time when life was just getting started and all that happy crappy. You know when you see a movie, and from then on it reminds you of that particular time in your life when you first saw it, how you were and what you thought things would be like?? Some movies do that more than others and for some reason, Urban does it for me. Yay

As for kid-cuteness...ya, that was a cool thing to witness. I like to see relaxed parents, gives one hope. Been with someone a while now too, and even at my ripe old age of 36 (albeit recent 36) I am a bit wary of having kids. Still 'not ready'. Am I crazy? Nah, just gotta start worrying about something called a...clock?? :wink:
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Post by SanDeE* » Jan 30th 2003, 1:56 am

I think that my friends who are anxious to get married soon want the wedding, they don't see that after the wedding, there is the marriage, and they need to remember that they did the wedding to be in the marriage, no? The girls talk about what colors they're going to pick out, the music, the ring. Not - cooking dinner together, PTA meetings, joint checking accounts, sharing one car. And all the other yummy romantic stuff! I'm sure that I'll be happy to be married, and I really admire people that stay married and are soulmates, like my parents (24 years in August) and many others when there is so much divorce nowadays. I'm more scared of getting married too soon and having it end in divorce. But I've always been told by people who are in happy lasting marriages: You'll know when it happens to you, whenever it may happen. I'm sure I will.
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