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World Happiness Dance
I can't explain why, but I had this urge to see Rickie and Delia dancing again. Maybe it was because I started thinking about it a few days ago (in the [url=http://www.mscl.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1847]colors[/url thread), but I stuck the DVD in and fast forwarded to the dance.
I just love, first of all, that no one ends up with who you thought they would be there with (except Sharon and Kyle). But mostly I love the transition from Rickie kind of bobbing hesitantly to breaking out the big dance moves. The look on Delia's face is great too. ![]() Rickie, you and I are en fuego tonight! Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?
En fuego..'on fire'?? D'oh! That works on a couple diff. levels, hu?? Rickie is so very cool...and that song too - 'What is love?' is perfect - not at all remembering that silly duo from SNL with Chris Kattan in...Night at the Roxy??..where they bop to that song...
Love that, and the 'Release Me' song that played just before when Angelika and Jordan locked eyes. Hubba. Hubba. Anyway, yes indeedy, we most certainly are. I am so very glad I got these dvds...more and more evrytime I see 'em. It almost makes gettin 'Rossed' worth it. Must head-bop off to bed now... ![]() "Oh, just say the word and she's a footnote in history. I'll make it look like a painful accident..."
Night at the Roxbury... Don't hate me for knowing that. I already hate myself for having that uselessness "knowledge" stuck in my head ![]()
Last edited by fnordboy on Dec 9th 2002, 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I always thought that he wanted to hang with Rayanne and when Rickie told him she wasn't coming, that's why he left Rickie. He wasn't there to hang with him. "I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me."
Hola folks - I have a thought: Anyone catch the look of awe and admiration and...??? SOMETHING ELSE?? Kyle was giving Rickie and Delia when they were on the dance floor and started were goin' off?? And then Sharon catching that look?? Do we suspect latency or admiration for being able to be so free?? Hmmm...
"Oh, just say the word and she's a footnote in history. I'll make it look like a painful accident..."
I think Kyle tends to have that intense expression on his face most of the time, so I thought he was just interested in watching what was going on. The look that Sharon gave Kyle, though...I thought she was having a moment of reflection and appreciating how lucky she is to have Kyle.
Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?
Another thing about the end of the dance - after Brian went through all this inner turmoil to go to the dance with Angela, why didn't he dance with her? When he suggested they might dance (which I thought meant that he did want to dance with her), Angela explodes, "We're not gonna dance!" and he backtracks by saying, "I realize that."
When Angela comes back inside, she asks if he wants to dance, Brian says, "Not with you." Angela is his dream girl, so why wouldn't he seize this opportunity to finally be physically close to her? I will admit that my adolescent fantasies were about slow dancing with some boy that I liked (very non-sexual fantasies!), and Brian respects Angela to see her as an object, someone to have sex with. He wants a relationship with all those little things like dancing, so why would he pass up this opportunity? Is it because he saw her with Jordan in the parking lot and doesn't want to play second fiddle? Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?
jacqui926, I gotta say I agree with ya. Sure, Kyle does tend to have a dumbfounded look on his face from time to time, but this was quite a bit more, I'd say. I wonder if they would have explored that. Plus, in the next ep Self-Esteem Sharon had broken up with Kyle so...I dunno, probably nothing, just part of the great tapestry that was that whole end sequence.
BTW, re: Self-Esteem and the person who said that end scene was one of the very best moments of tv - right the f*ck on. I timed it and it took less than two minutes but OH what an impact. Everyone, EXCEPT BRIAN, poor baby, even Jordan's friends finally, getting that 'Awww, how romantic." look about 'em. And, I guess everyone already knows that the guy Jordan was hanging with, who had a similar haircut and look about him, was ACTUALLy Jared's real life brother, hu? Sigh...so satisfying. "Oh, just say the word and she's a footnote in history. I'll make it look like a painful accident..."
Hey there candygirl!
![]() "Oh, just say the word and she's a footnote in history. I'll make it look like a painful accident..."
i think it was becausehe was attracted to rayanne and wanted to go w/ her. when he found out that she wasn't coming he was pretty bummed out and he didn't see a real purpose in hanging out w/ rickie.
i love this that episode...especially the infamous lines 'why are you like this' 'like what?' 'like how you are' 'how am i?' ugh those lines kill me every time.
I don't think Corey seemed bummed about Rayanne's absence - when I watched this scene, he seemed to take it in stride.
It's possible that he was just being polite and waiting for Rayanne to show up and the news that she wasn't coming prompted him to go socialize and mingle. So Rickie and Corey got to the dance separately and then met up? Don't you think that Corey would have asked where Rayanne was when Rickie and Corey initially met up? Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? I didn't get that at all. I thought that Kyle had his usual dumb-founded face on as he watched Rickie and Delia. He was just looking at them for no special reason... I saw no attraction to Rickie or Delia. The look that Sharon gave him as he looked at Rickie and Delia dancing, I thought was a look of contempt. I thought that was a precusor to her breaking up with him. I thought that she looked disgusted that he was such a moron and so utterly clueless and airheaded. Like she thought that he should ask her to dance and not just stand there staring at others dancing. It wss like how he didn't think to ask her to the dance.
I also thought that Corey was disappointed in Rayanne not showing up, and he realized there was no point in hanging with Rickie, since the reason he came was to be with Rayanne. I love to see how many people interpret scenes so differently! "I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me."
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