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Dawson's Creek
A little off topic....Dawson's Creek DVDs???Hey all. Jason and anybody else.....have you heard anyting about a Dawson's Creek Season box set release?? I have heard a few things here and there that it may be at the end of this year or beginning of next year. It seems that Jason is in the know on lots of stuff so i just figured i would ask him anyone else who knows any better more solid info. I love this show and I figured that a lot of ols MSCL fans did too. sorry if I am mistaken
![]() Mikey
![]() As regards a 'Dawson's Creek' DVD, the entire first season is to released 'sometime in the Spring'. The release has not been narrowed down to an actual date yet, but the show's official website (http://www.dawsonscreek.com) does confirm the creation of a boxset. Of course, it's highly likely that this will only be the American release date, but I believe that, from the results of a poll took by the website's owners, the DVDs will be available for Region 2 players as well as Region 1 (there was a considerably high proportion of foreign viewers in the poll results). Hopefully, collections of subsequent seasons will be made available following the overwhelming success of this current endeavour... Hope this helps, Paul 'In meinem Himmel gibt es keinen Gott'
Dawson's CreekProbably been asked on here before but what are people's opinions on Dawson's Creek? I watched the first season when it aired here in the UK about 4 years ago, and never really took to it, I've been watching Season 4 which is now on over here, and it seems to have improved vastly. Is it really the case that a show was rubbish at first, and got better by it's forth season?
Ive only seen an ep or two, which was probably in the first season. And of course i hated it. Though i did hear that it did get better over time (i have several friends who were addicted to the show...i know i should kill them to put them out of their misery).
I just have a real problem with all the actors on the show too. I think only the quality of production (picture and sets) was increased in season 3 and 4. The characters are too one dimensional, too far away from reality to relate to them. I watched first season and thought, no, I hoped, that it will be a new "Life" one day. But I was frustrated as the seasons went by and nothing, absolutely nothing, apart from the high level babble happened. MSCL was able to develop our beloved characters from the very beginning. If they had canceled DC after the first season, noone would actually remember, IMHO.
Patty to Graham: You always buy the cat nicer food than I do.
I specifically remember that when Dawson's Creek began airing, I read a review that called it "My So-Called Life - without the life." OUCH!
I gave it a chance because I'm a sucker for the "in love with the boy next door" story. I was kind of hoping for a Wonder Years kind of vibe but that is NOT what it was. The actors have admitted that the dialogue gives them a lot more credit than they deserve and makes them sound smarter and more insightful than teenagers really are. It kind of reminded me of when you read books with a specific style where the dialogue is sophisticated and makes sense to read, but you know that people don't really talk in such a manner. I watched most of the first season, but now I'm totally out of the loop. Every once in a while, I'll watch for a few minutes if I happen to find it while I'm channel surfine but I'm so far gone that I have no idea what's going on or who most of the characters are. A semi-related observation: No Doubt appears on tonight's episode of Dawson's Creek. Michelle Branch appeared in last season's Buffy. Stuff like that gives me a creepy 90210 Peach Pit kind of vibe. Is it just me?!
I completely second, third, fourth, and fifth etc. etc. what Fnordboy said. Other that J. VanDerbeek I detest the other actors/actresses on that show.
![]() Daddy sold the farm and they've killed my trees. K-man
That big clunky name matches his big clunky head perfectly He has a head like Sputnik. He cries himself to sleep everynight on his big pillow.
Excellent point Candygirl, that is quite the 'big-clunky' name.
![]() ![]() Daddy sold the farm and they've killed my trees. K-man
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