this manilla thing

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this manilla thing

Post by Guest » Sep 13th 1999, 6:02 pm

I just read some post about the page deleting something htat was posted by soma? ( i think that was who posted it). I have no idea what this manilla thing is, since I have been offline for ages. And was wondering if someone could e-mail me the whole story. thanks!

Frozen Embryo
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Joined: May 24th 2005, 11:33 am

Manila Incident

Post by Heather » Jul 6th 2005, 10:52 am

I was recently living in the Philippines for three and a hlaf months on amissionary humanitarian trip. I am in fact a huge Claire Danes fan, but recently I have been analyzing whether I am a fan of her, or more so Angela's character. And that is all Angela is, a character.
I lived in the Philippines, and learned a lot about their culture, and their way of thinking. Comments like Claire made in Manila after filming her movie would definately offend Filipinos. Comments like hers are made all over the world but the culture in the Pfilippines is a very delicate one. People take theri country very seriously, and can become offeneded easily, as all they have to call their own is their heritage, and home.
I also realize this deleting issue, or posts not being posted. I am not condeming Claire, it is something that happened in the past, I meerly just wanted to put in my idea, since I lived there for so long. Im sure anyone who lives in a culture sensitive region for any length of time will offend someone, opposing cultures can do that.

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Joined: Mar 25th 2009, 3:44 pm

Re: this manilla thing

Post by Marla » Mar 26th 2009, 1:51 am

I'm Filipino and trust me I do not take offense with what Clair Danes say. She's right. It's dirty over their. Those Filipino officials who cheated themselves in power has all the chance and money to clean the country. But they did not. They deserve what Clair Danes said about the country.

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