the contradiction that we call Rayanne

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Re: Hookers

Post by NIGHTJESSI » Dec 5th 2002, 5:00 am

I forgot to mention that the exciting woman with her spandex dress riding up was previously eating Cheetos and licking her fingers prior to her run. I don't know if that is supposed to be some new pickup technique but how could anyone find someone with orange fingers alluring? Then again, those "ladies" wouldn't be out there if they weren't getting the clientele. As for the apparel, candygirl, I don't know where they get it, but I wouldn't doubt that whatever they get ends up being worn until it can't be worn anymore.

And glitter_punk, I, too, have heard there are quite a number of hookers on the South Side of the city. Thankfully, I'm from the South Suburbs so I don't have to deal with these "ladies" walking my streets.
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Re: Hookers

Post by fnordboy » Dec 5th 2002, 12:26 pm

NIGHTJESSI wrote:I forgot to mention that the exciting woman with her spandex dress riding up was previously eating Cheetos and licking her fingers prior to her run. I don't know if that is supposed to be some new pickup technique but how could anyone find someone with orange fingers alluring?
Oh stop it your getting me excited! :roll:

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Re: Hookers

Post by NIGHTJESSI » Dec 6th 2002, 8:27 pm

Well, we all need a little excitement in our lives, so I'm happy I could oblige, fnordboy. ;)
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rayannes star sign

Post by shorty » Jan 8th 2003, 1:06 pm

I would've guessed that Rayanne was a Leo, falsely confident very in-your-face, a natural perfomer, and a total attention seeker and totally self-obsessed. I should know, I am one!

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jan 10th 2003, 5:54 pm

Nostradamus wrote:One other thing I noticed about Rayanne: If we extrapolate her birthday from the timing of Other People's Daughters, she is probably a Scorpio, a sign with which she shares many traits.
Well we know that Rayanne's birthday is definitely in October because in Guns & Gossip, the calendar in Brian's kitchen is on the October page and Other People's Mothers takes place before Halloween, so she is either a Libra or a Scorpio. Based upon her behavior, I would definitely go with Scorpio rather than Libra.

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Post by Guest » Aug 25th 2003, 2:23 pm

Many people say how Rayanne is perceptive.For example in "Self esteem",she recognizes Jordan's feelings as she states with certainity "you know you like her.."That's pretty perceptive because Jordan's not exactly an open book if you ask me.But on the other hand,she's often extremely cruel-so that means she's either not that perceptive or she just doesn't care.In "Life of Brian" she says she'll call Corey but she doesn't.What? She forgot?This is her best friend we're talking about.So she either forgot or she doesn't think it's a big deal(not to mention her "incident" with Jordan).

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Post by Hunee » Oct 22nd 2003, 10:41 pm

Rayanne despite her faults is truely a good person!!! She defended Angela many times and at heart she really is a good friend.... even though at times she can do things that can make you want to run from her she just is a good person...
so make the best of this test, and dont ask why
its not a question, but a lesson learned in time its something unpredictable, but in the end is right i hope you had the time of your life

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Oct 23rd 2003, 1:30 pm

...who slept with her best friend's ex-boyfriend. All the things she did for Angela previous to that do not counteract that one thing. True, no one is all black or white but no matter what Rayanne's reasons for sleeping with Jordan, she didn't do herself any favors by acting like a brat afterwards as well. I do understand why Rayanne slept with Jordan and I even understand her behavior afterwards, but that doesn't make any of it right and it certainly doesn't win her any votes in the Bestest Friend Hall of Fame. I'd be willing to bet that part of the reason why Camille forgave Patty for a similar transgression is that Patty didn't run around acting self-righteous and obnoxious - she probably admitted what she did and apologized sincerely instead of feeling sorry for herself and asking their mutual friends to take sides.
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Post by CrimsonGlow » Oct 23rd 2003, 3:06 pm

I think she has many nice qualities, such as helping Angela out and watching out for her and Rickie. But the big bomb was her mistake in Betrayal, and this really erased all the good that we saw before that point!
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Post by grim4746 » Oct 23rd 2003, 3:20 pm

I don't think Rayanne's mistake in Betrayal erased all the good she had done in her friendship with Angela. I'd say it more eclipsed the good. But eclipses are temporary. I think that the good Rayanne had done paired with a continuing effort to express how sorry she is and that she's learned from the experience and she wouldn't hurt Angela again would eventually have led to Angela forgiving Rayanne. Of course it's a small leap of faith to think that Rayanne would be able to turn herself around enough to accomplish this but I'm pretty convinced it would have happened.

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Post by Hunee » Oct 23rd 2003, 7:04 pm

candygirl I can see where you are coming from but it took 2 to tango and Jordan didnt even write or say his own words except about how he dreamed she would forgive him... but if you look at how many times Jordan has hurt her it out weights Rayannes mistake... or at least I think... now I never said anything about forgiveness or having Angela just forget what she did to her but at the same time if you look at it as who is a better person it is clear to me that Rayanne despite her flaws will always be a friend to Angela... but Jordan is the kind of person who can have for like 2 seconds and he is gone... now going through the exact same thing... in detail one of my best friends slept with my boyfriend of 4 years... and instead of listening to my head and going with my heart I lost one of my best friends in the world... know matter how many times I go over it in my head I just cant help to think that instead of staying with my asshole boyfriend I should have stayed with my friend... friends dont hurt you the way boyfriends or girlfriends do... even though friends can make mistakes and hurt you more then anyone in the whole world you have to consider the fact that there were two of them who did the deed and chosing is a hard choice to make... and sometimes making the wrong mistake can cost you everything... but sometimes finding forgiveness in your heart can make you that much better of a friend then they were...

Grim4746 I agree with you 100 percent!!!
so make the best of this test, and dont ask why
its not a question, but a lesson learned in time its something unpredictable, but in the end is right i hope you had the time of your life

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Oct 23rd 2003, 8:02 pm

I certainly believe that Jordan deserves his fair share of the blame, but we were discussing the contradiction that we call Rayanne. My point was that no matter how great a friend she was to Angela beforehand, she betrayed Angela in the worst possible way. I think the only thing that Rayanne could have done to make Angela feel even worse is to murder her family and burn down her house. The fact that she then tried to hide what she did, played the self-pity card ("You lost nothing - I lost a really good friend"), and never bothered trying to explain or apologize just made a very bad situation even worse.

I agree that forgiveness is an entirely different matter. As Giles says on BtVS, "To forgive is an act of compassion, Buffy. It's not done because people deserve it. It's done because they need it." Of course, her response is, "No. [He] destroyed the one person he loved the most in a moment of blind passion. And that's not something you forgive. No matter why he did what he did. And no matter if he knows now that it was wrong and selfish and stupid, it is just something he's gonna have to live with." Interesting how at the end of MSCL, Angela seems to apply Giles logic to Jordan and Buffy logic to Rayanne. The old double standard - it seems like when someone cheats, only one person ends up being forgiven because there has to be a villain to blame, despite the fact that, as you pointed out, both parties are guilty.
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Post by Hunee » Oct 24th 2003, 5:56 am

candygirl wrote: [He] destroyed the one person he loved the most in a moment of blind passion. And that's not something you forgive. No matter why he did what he did. And no matter if he knows now that it was wrong and selfish and stupid, it is just something he's gonna have to live with."
I dont think that there has ever been a better quote I have read about this subject... I to use to watch btvs and I remember seeing buffy so in love with Angel... I mean that was like true love like buffy could have died of a broken heart from losing him and when she had to kill him... when he finally turned good... that was one of the saddest things I have ever seen... she had to kill the person she loved... ok sorry for the reminiscing... What Rayanne said in the end of Batrayal really made me hate her even more because she did not acknowledge that she did do something wrong and Angela probally spent countless of hours telling her how much she cared for Jordan so I can understand how it would seem that Rayanne does not deserve forgiveness but I mean sometimes the only way a person to get passed something is to give them forgiveness... I totally understand where you are coming from about Rayanne... I mean Rayanne didnt even show remorse which makes it like ten times harder to understand and I think that Angela was the first person she ever really needed to like live... Rayanne is the kind of person when she sees her friends hurt she will do anything to protect them but she doesnt even care about herself... yeah she did defend Angela and she watched out for her but at the same time sleeping with Jordan was well in brians words and "undefendable thing" but sometimes the things that people do may hurt you so bad that does not mean that they dont need you... Like when Rayanne ran out from vertigo and Rickie was really worried about her she saw how hurt he was and then it went on to Angela saying that she was sorry she was not there for her and how they just werent going to be friends the way they use to be but I mean there is only so far you can push a person to make them not even care anymore and I guess Rayanne did that... Rayannes character is hard to understand because you see her do these great things that shows she cares but then you see her drinking and hurting the people she loves not just once but over and over again... with Rickie and Angela but maybe Rayannes worst enemy is herself...
so make the best of this test, and dont ask why
its not a question, but a lesson learned in time its something unpredictable, but in the end is right i hope you had the time of your life


Post by Guest » Oct 24th 2003, 4:01 pm

I have to say that after "Betrayal" I started to really hate Rayanne.After what she's done she avoided Angela and afterwards she says to Patty"She told me she was totally over him.Otherwise I would never have done it...." That is such a BS.It was so obvious that she didn't believe that.( Angela:That only proved one thing.I'm so over Jordan Catalano.
Rayanne:Yeah,yeah we've all heard that before.....).[b] She is so f***ing hypocritical.Best friend is suppose to be someone you trust and she completely stabbed her in the back.Believe me,I know how that s**t feels.Not pretty.

As for Jordan,that guy doesn't stand a chance.You people all say how she forgave him and not Rayanne.Well,how can you be sure that she really did forgive him?How do you know she won't picture him and Rayanne in that backseat everytime he touches her,everytime he kisses her?At this point,Jordan cannot allow himself to make mistakes.If he only makes a small remark about having sex with her,she will dump him.In her eyes,he has no right to ask anything.To make it clear for all of you Jordan fans ot there;He lost her all right.Big time

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Post by CrimsonGlow » Oct 26th 2003, 10:22 am

I think it was downhill for both Jordan and Rayanne from that point on (betrayal).
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