Free tapes in Manhattan

Looking for "My So-Called Life" items or willing to part with one?
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Free tapes in Manhattan

Post by Guest » Mar 20th 2001, 10:23 pm

Hi, folks. I was a big fan of MSCL when it was originally broadcast and I taped most of the episodes and now I want to give away my collection. I know, I know...why would I want to do that? Well, I live in a tiny apartment, don't have much room for my video collection, and I figure there is probably someone out there who would enjoy these more than I. Aside from the ads, the quality is very good, as these are first-generation VHS tapes taped in stereo on a (at that time) first rate deck.

OK, that was the good news; now for the bad news. I think I'm missing #18, most of the episodes have advertisements, and I WILL NOT ship. Period. This is a "pick up" only kind of deal. You show up at my apartment in Manhattan, I hand 'em over. (Don't bother emailing me to tell me you'll pay for shipping, offer me extra cash, etc., because I won't respond. I like giving away things like this but I'm not into the hassle and bother of boxing them up for shipping.) I figure NYC is a big and popular enough place that someone will read this who either lives in the tri-state area or has a friend who does.

So drop me an email, and I'll respond first come first serve. (Sometimes the first person says they'll show up but they don't, so then I email the second person, then the third, etc.) If you live in my area and love the show but don't have tapes, this is a great deal.

Sandy Santra

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