French tv channel chooses top 50 tv shows - including MSCL

Found a reference to "My So-Called Life" in a book, movie, tv show or somewhere else? Then post here!
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French tv channel chooses top 50 tv shows - including MSCL

Post by Sascha » Mar 12th 2004, 7:46 pm

French cable channel "Série Club" selected the 50 best tv shows of all time and MSCL is among them. But it's just a pre-selection, now it's up to fans and viewers to vote for their favorites to determine the final ranking.

I guess everyone can participate in this voting - so if you want to vote, go to this site: ... aire.shtml , select your five favorite shows and click on "Je valide!". They also have a comprehensive description of the show (in french) on their site.

BTW: the french title of "My So-Called Life" is "Angela, 15 ans".

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Post by Nostradamus » Mar 15th 2004, 12:14 am

I voted for it, plus X-Files, Buffy, Star Trek, and The Simpsons. The best drama seems to translate well across cultures and languages.

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Post by north_Star98 » Mar 17th 2004, 5:45 pm

i don't watch a lot of shows on that it was hard for me to pick 5. i picked:

2. Friends
3. The Simpsons
4. Seinfeld
5. ummm...i picked buffy as an honor to a friend of mine who is a buffy fan!

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