The Most Awesome Thing I Saw on TV This Week - by Kim

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jul 3rd 2003, 2:21 am

The latest installment is a Lifetime movie about a brain transplant - awesome!

And now it's time for the Most Awesome Thing I Saw On TV Last Week. The most awesome thing I saw on TV last week was a movie called Who is Julia? on the Lifetime Movie Network. Mare Winningham played a poor woman who was just trying to take her really ugly son to see Santa Claus. And then there was Julia, this blonde woman who was like a model and married to one of the Hardy Boys, but what she really wanted was to have a baby. So Julia's at a stoplight and she sees Mare and Mare's ugly kid standing on the street corner and she's all googly over the kid, which was ridiculous because the kid was like Mini-Jack Osbourne. And then the kid starts to run out into the street because he's not only ugly but also dumb, and there's a cement truck coming and Julia hops out of her car to save the ugly kid and she gets flattened by the cement truck. And at the exact same moment Mare Winningham has, like, a brain attack and collapses. So both women are taken into the hospital and of course, the surgeons decide they're going to transplant Julia's brain into Mare Winningham's body. And Mare's poor dumb husband agrees to it because Mare is brain-dead and the surgeons are pressuring him. So then Mare/Julia is in a coma for like a year or something and finally she wakes up and she's freaked out because, you know, she has a whole new body and she looks like white-trash Mare Winningham. But with her doctor's help, she starts to get better, and then there's this really creepy subplot where she's kind of in love with her doctor and he's really inappropriately touchy with her and the Hardy Boy Husband complains and the doctor says it's all Mare/Julia's fault when he was all touching her face and s**t. So then Mare/Julia and Hardy Boy Husband aren't getting along so well, so Mare/Julia runs away and ends up getting kidnapped by Mare's poor dumb husband and taken to see the ugly kid and then the poor dumb husband tries to rape her, and then Mare/Julia is all understanding about it. So then Mare/Julia goes back to her Hardy Boy Husband and then the movie just kind of ends. So the ending wasn't that awesome, but all of the medical scenes were awesome because the hospital set was about as big as my living room and Joe Don Baker was one of the doctors and the "science" behind the brain transplant made no sense at all. But after seeing a movie like that you kind of understand why Mare Winningham has fallen off the face of the earth.
Last edited by Natasha (candygirl) on Oct 26th 2003, 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jul 12th 2003, 6:58 pm

This week, Kim admits that a moment on the Real World almost qualifies for TMATISOTLW:
Chris wakes up and walks downstairs and his hair might be the most awesome thing I saw on TV last week. It's all sticking straight up and he looks like the Heat Miser.
Thankfully we do get an actual installment of TMATISOTLW: Butt-Clenching on Melrose Place

And now it's time for the Most Awesome Thing I Saw on TV Last Week. The most awesome thing I saw on TV last week were old episodes of Melrose Place on E! I'm not going to list off all of the things about the episodes that were awesome, because the answer would be "Everything." But here are a few highlights: Allison's gigantic jaw and constant stuffy nose; Amanda's desperate need for a hot oil treatment; Billy's mouth-breathing; Jo and Jake's complete lack of storyline and yet the writers still finding time for them to roll around naked a few times; Matt's appearance in exactly two scenes in five episodes; and best of all was the close-up on Michael's butt-clenching while kissing Kimberly on the beach. I think the moment I realized how awesome this show was occurred when Jake and Jo's storyline consisted of Jake cheating on his taxes and then realizing that it was wrong so he and Jo went to the mailbox and convinced the mailman (who was picking up the mail at midnight, for some reason) to give them back the returns. Wasn't that a storyline on The Andy Griffith Show at one point? (Minus the cheating on the tax returns, because no one in Mayberry would cheat on their taxes.) And yet, genius. Plus, butt-clenching. And it's just starting to get good because next week is the episode when Amanda buys the apartment complex, and if I recall, that's when all hell broke loose.

Last edited by Natasha (candygirl) on Oct 26th 2003, 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Jul 26th 2003, 9:08 pm

I'm such a slacker - I totally forgot to do this earlier!

First there's My Mother Was Abducted by Aliens starring Markie Post and Candace Cameron (don't pretend you can't remember she was DJ on Full House!)
And now it's time for The Most Awesome Thing I Saw on TV Last Week. The most awesome thing I saw on TV last week was a made-for-TV movie called Visitors of the Night and starring Markie Post and Candace "D.J. Tanner" Cameron as Markie's daughter. So D.J. was in high school and she and her mom kept fighting all the time, and then mysterious crop circles started appearing in the fields outside town. And then Markie Post went to the dentist and flipped out, so the dentist sent her to a hypnotist. And while she was hypnotized, Markie Post started having visions of aliens and space ships and being abducted. And then D.J. started disappearing for hours at a time and blacking out, so Markie Post figured out that the aliens were abducting her too.

But at first, you thought maybe D.J. was part alien or something and there was this scene in school where D.J. had to give a presentation in school on physics, and I thought maybe she would turn out to be a genius because of her alien DNA, but really she just started yelling about how we're ruining the planet so I don't know what that was about. And then Markie Post figures out that both she and D.J. have been regularly abducted by aliens their whole lives, and then the spaceship comes back and Markie Post yells at the aliens to take her instead of D.J., and they do, and she finds out that the aliens have been harvesting the women's eggs to try to make a human-alien hybrid baby, but they failed because the babies don't have emotions and they can't cry or some such horseshit.

So Markie Post gives this passionate speech to the aliens about how you can't raise a baby without a mother and single fathers around the world flipped off their televisions and then the aliens let her go home and she promises D.J. that it's all over and the aliens won't come back, and then in the very last scene the aliens totally come back and take Markie Post and D.J., like what kind of ending was that? I'll tell you what kind. An awesome one.

Then there's Battle of the Network Stars (which requires no explanation)
The most awesome thing I saw on TV last week was definitely the multiple episodes of Battle of the Network Stars that were on Trio. But the best one was the first episode, from 1976. First of all, because it was the first one, it was totally unpolished and even more ridiculous. Howard Cosell was the announcer, and during the relay race, he kept saying that people "breasted the tape" at the end, which was kind of awkward when the winner was a woman. Although, according to Cosell, none of the female participants were women. They were all "girls." And speaking of girls, there was this horrific interview with Farrah Fawcett-Majors where she talked about how she loved being married to Lee Majors and she hurried home from filming Charlie's Angels every day so that she could make him dinner and then she actually said, "It's something I need to do as a female or a wife" and then Howard said, "I know Lee and he is a male and he likes to dominate," like, how does Howard know that?

And then during the swimming competition, the bathing suits were totally see-through and I think I saw Ma Ingalls's nipples, which was f***ing creepy, and then I saw everything Tim Matheson has to offer, which was quite a bit, frankly. And when they introduced all of the contestants, I had heard of most of the people except for the people on NBC's team. I had never heard of the people or the shows they came from, which makes me think that NBC's 1976 line-up was pretty f***ing lame. And the most awesome part was when Bob Conrad's team was penalized during the relay race and he totally had a meltdown and started yelling, "Like hell! Like hell! Like hell!" and puffing away on a cigarette and finally he had a tie-breaker race with Gabe Kaplan to decide it and Gabe Kaplan actually won! You go, Mr. Kotter!

God, there were so many more awesome things, but I will conclude by telling you that they had characters from the ABC special Return to Oz demonstrate the obstacle course, so the Cowardly Lion belly-crawled under the net and then the Tin Man ran through the tires and then the Scarecrow did the monkey bars and the music playing during this demonstration was "The Hustle." I swear to God. And that's just one episode. They showed five this week! And there's a marathon on Sunday, which you should totally watch if you are a fan of awesome television, as I am.
Last edited by Natasha (candygirl) on Aug 5th 2003, 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Aug 3rd 2003, 7:10 pm

I have my very own entry - let me tell you about The Most Awesome Thing I Saw on TV This Week!

I used to wonder how Kim managed to find half of these movies, but today I had a Kim moment that I had to share. As I was flipping channels, I found a movie called When Friendship Kills (alternate title - Secret Between Friends: a Moment of Truth movie) starring Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) and Josh Taylor (Roman on Days of Our Lives/Dylan's dad on 90210) as the parents of Katie Wright, who has appeared in other awesome movies titled A Friend's Betrayal (aka Stolen Youth), Abduction of Innocence (another Moment of Truth movie, which is apparently some kind of Lifetime Channel series), and Detention: The Siege at Johnson High (aka Hostage High aka Target for Rage). Katie Wright also had roles on Malibu Shores (with Keri Russell of Felicity and Charisma Carpenter of Buffy/Angel), Melrose Place, and appeared as Susan Dey in the David Cassidy Story. As if that wasn't cool enough, her best friend was played by Marley Shelton who was in the cheerleading tv movie A Friend to Die For with Tori Spelling (90210) and Kellie Martin (Life Goes On). But it gets better - her prom date was Nicholas Brendon. The male friends are played by Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder) and Tobias Mehler (Harvey in the Sabrina the Teenage Witch tv movie - not the series). The movie was directed by James A. Contner of Buffy/Angel/Firefly/Smallville/Roswell/Dark Angel and written by Elizabeth Gill (who wrote the MSCL episode "On the Wagon"). Besides the obvious cast/crew pedigree, the movie was about a teenage volleyball player who becomes bulimic with her best friend to lose weight. After Katie's mom finds out and sends her to a clinic, Katie confesses that her friend is the one who taught her to binge and purge, so Katie's mom tells the other mom. When Katie goes back to school, her friend is pissed and doesn't want to be friends anymore. Katie goes to a party to talk to her friend (who is totally drunk), but her ex-friend tells her to go away, runs off, is hit by a car, and DIES. Awesome!

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Post by Megs » Aug 4th 2003, 9:20 am

candygirl wrote:I have my very own entry - let me tell you about The Most Awesome Thing I Saw on TV This Week!

I used to wonder how Kim managed to find half of these movies, but today I had a Kim moment that I had to share. As I was flipping channels, I found a movie called When Friendship Kills (alternate title - Secret Between Friends: a Moment of Truth movie) starring Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) and Josh Taylor (Roman on Days of Our Lives/Dylan's dad on 90210) as the parents of Katie Wright, who has appeared in other awesome movies titled A Friend's Betrayal (aka Stolen Youth), Abduction of Innocence (another Moment of Truth movie, which is apparently some kind of Lifetime Channel series), and Detention: The Siege at Johnson High (aka Hostage High aka Target for Rage). Katie Wright also had roles on Malibu Shores (with Keri Russell of Felicity and Charisma Carpenter of Buffy/Angel), Melrose Place, and appeared as Susan Dey in the David Cassidy Story. As if that wasn't cool enough, her best friend was played by Marley Shelton who was in the cheerleading tv movie A Friend to Die For with Tori Spelling (90210) and Kellie Martin (Life Goes On). But it gets better - her prom date was Nicholas Brendon. The male friends are played by Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder) and Tobias Mehler (Harvey in the Sabrina the Teenage Witch tv movie - not the series). The movie was directed by James A. Contner of Buffy/Angel/Firefly/Smallville/Roswell/Dark Angel and written by Elizabeth Gill (who wrote the MSCL episode "On the Wagon"). Besides the obvious cast/crew pedigree, the movie was about a teenage volleyball player who becomes bulimic with her best friend to lose weight. After Katie's mom finds out and sends her to a clinic, Katie confesses that her friend is the one who taught her to binge and purge, so Katie's mom tells the other mom. When Katie goes back to school, her friend is pissed and doesn't want to be friends anymore. Katie goes to a party to talk to her friend (who is totally drunk), but her ex-friend tells her to go away, runs off, is hit by a car, and DIES. Awesome!

Ha! I watched this yesterday, as well! Too funny. It did have a lot of recognizable faces in it.

My favorite part was when she woke up in the middle of the night and binges on those shortbread cookies. They are my husband's favorite! Awesome!
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Aug 4th 2003, 3:24 pm

Hee, I can't believe we both watched that movie Megs!


I have to admit, I was waiting for Jen to go all psycho from the beginning. I thought she might let her into the inner circle and then pull the backstabbing bitch routine (I think I was expecting the plot to be more along the lines of the Tori Spelling cheerleading movie!), but still awesome.
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Post by Megs » Aug 4th 2003, 4:13 pm

candygirl wrote:Hee, I can't believe we both watched that movie Megs!


I have to admit, I was waiting for Jen to go all psycho from the beginning. I thought she might let her into the inner circle and then pull the backstabbing bitch routine (I think I was expecting the plot to be more along the lines of the Tori Spelling cheerleading movie!), but still awesome.
Ah, yes, the "backstabbing bitch routine" is a classic, and is never overdone, IMHO.

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Aug 4th 2003, 7:20 pm

And now back to our regularly scheduled Kimtastic program. This week's episode is a little something that I call crack+jail+marriage=rap star (and no, this has nothing to do with Eninem!)
And now it's time for the Most Awesome Thing I Saw On TV Last Week. The most awesome thing I saw on TV last week was an episode of True Life called "I'm Getting Divorced." It featured two young women. One woman's parents were getting divorced, which was boring, so if you record it, just skip those sections. The awesome part was the story of Jennifer, who married Jason on Valentine's Day 2003. At first, it seems kind of normal, right? People get married too young and then realize they've made a huge mistake. Your first clue that something is horribly wrong is when Jennifer shows you pictures of their matching tattoos.

Then Jennifer says, "I saw that he loved me and I totally overlooked that [the music cuts out] he was an ex-crack addict." Hee! I mean, it's sad that he's a crackhead and all, and I felt bad for, like, a minute, and then I realized that they agreed to have their stories told on national television, and throughout the episode, you can tell that they are totally playing to the cameras, so then I didn't feel bad anymore. But wait. It gets better.

A month into their relationship, Jason was arrested and went to jail for five months. Then, a week after he got out, they got married. So they were together for six months before getting married, but five of those, Jason was in jail. So after their marriage, they moved in together, and Jennifer didn't know that the whole time, he was still using crack. She didn't know? Girl, please. So, she moved back home. And Jason called her a lot and Jennifer pretended she hated it, but you could tell by the look on her face that she secretly kind of liked it.

But this is the most awesome part. Jennifer says that there are a lot of reasons why she wanted the divorce. She continues, "But the number one reason I was being so pushy about getting my divorce ASAP [pronounced A-SAP] is because I need my freedom. I need my freedom to do what I was put on this earth for, and that rap." AWESOME! Turns out Jennifer (or if you want to call her by her rap name, Slim JG) is recording an album. And she is so completely terrible. She sounds like she's reading her lyrics from a sheet of paper (because she is) and she has no rhythm and...she's just awful. And she has a tattoo that says Slim JG.

So Slim JG is sure that she's going to make a ton of money off this album and she doesn't want Jason to get any of it, so they need to get a divorce. Which is about when I started to wonder if Jason was the only crack-smoker in the relationship. And so much more happened, so all I can tell you is that you must catch this episode. You just have to. It is awesome.
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Aug 19th 2003, 4:04 am

The latest installment: grow up Heather - bulimia's so '87
The most awesome thing I saw on TV last week was actually a classic movie I rewatched for the first time since health class in eighth grade called Kate's Secret. It stars Meredith Baxter Birney as a housewife named Kate, and she has a secret: she's got really large front teeth and kind of looks like a rabbit. Oh, and she's bulimic. Her husband is all successful and she has a preteen daughter and she's a housewife and her mother is really overbearing. So she's worried that her husband is having an affair with his colleague and she thinks she needs to be the perfect housewife in order to keep his interest so she binges and purges. But not in a messy way where, like, she pukes up blood or wears away all the enamel on her teeth.

In the first binge, she goes into a grocery store and hides behind one of those cardboard standups while she scarfs down like three Pinwheels. And I'm like, "That's binging? That's dinner in my house!" And then she goes and pukes it up in an alley or something. And then she gives a big party at her house and her husband ignores her and instead of telling him to f*** off because she spends a lot of time cleaning his house and cooking his dinner and raising his child, she starts stuffing chocolate cake in her mouth and basically eating all of the leftovers from the party. And then her mom comes in, like, why is her mom at her house all the time anyway, and she lies and says that the dog ate the chocolate cake and made a mess. So then she goes to a fancy party with her husband and feels all inadequate because she's just a housewife and then she passes out in the bathroom.

And I realize that eating disorders are very serious and I have sympathy for those afflicted, but the movie kind of made it seem like she should just get a part-time job or something. Or tell her mother and her husband to f*** off. So then she gets admitted to an eating disorder clinic and it's kind of like Girl, Binging and Purging with the wacky crew of disordered eaters including Miss Patty from Gilmore Girls and Mackenzie Phillips in her super-druggie days. And Meredith Baxter Birney's roommate is Tracy Nelson and it's kind of sad because I think I read in People that Tracy Nelson really did have an eating disorder in real life so she's not so much acting and she's a model and her mother is telling her not to gain any more weight than she has to, and you'd think her doctor or therapist would tell her mother to f*** off, but they don't, and then of course Tracy Nelson dies because Meredith Baxter Birney can't die because she has a daughter and that would be too realistic. Plus, she only purged like twice before being admitted.

And I think the lesson you were supposed to take away was that people who are unappreciated get eating disorders. So then Meredith Baxter Birney totally gets better, but not before a visit from her best friend, played by Shari Belafonte, who wears super-hiddy '80s fashions like a long gauzy skirt with socks and sneakers. But the only thing I got from this movie in eighth grade was that my best friend and I, whenever we felt really full, would be like, "Man, I'm like Meredith Baxter Birney stuffing down Pinwheels in the supermarket." Which is awesome.
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awesome tv

Post by lance » Aug 19th 2003, 10:37 am


Well I will tell you about an experience that I had recently.

Back in June I was lizard sitting for my friend. He was off at a convention and I was feeding his bearded dragons, crickets and mustard greens.

While I was there I briefly took advantage of his huge television and cable. I was going through a hundred plus channels when I just managed to land on the cartoon network.

A cartoon was on called Samuari Jack. Apparently the storyline of the series is that a Samauri is banished by an evil wizard into some other dimension where he encounters all kinds of beings. Jack is a distinctive Anglo looking guy.

In the episode that I saw he was in a deserted city. The would walk down avenues and just stop and listen. And for 30-45 seconds nothing happened, not dialogue, no action, nothing. Just the wind blowing, his kimino blowing slightly. Great dramatic pauses. Might not sound like much but compared to other cartoons where their is so much noise, so much eye candy this show provided a very interesting contrast.

I have only seen one episode so far but I am getting my friend to record more episodes for me.

Lance Man

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Aug 25th 2003, 11:41 pm

Just a tip (not a find): There will be no Most Awesome Thing in this recap because I was out of town this week and didn't watch that much TV. Sadly. I was going to use the E! True Hollywood Story about The Real World, but it totally blew. Rest assured that I have no less than three Lifetime Movie Network movies saved on my DVR right now, so I'm sure the segment will return next week.

To make up for the lack of TMATISOTTW, I am providing a quote from Kim's Real World review:
Apparently, Chris has been writing down all of the lessons he's learned about women and wants to make it into a book to help guys understand women. I've got a tip for his book: women are just people, like you. If they act like high-maintenance drama queens, it's not because they are female. It's because they are assholes. Don't date those women. Unless you're into self-flagellation. Chris lists off some of his tips, which include that he shouldn't rub his balls in public, or brush his teeth in the kitchen sink. See, that's just common courtesy, and has nothing to do with sex. Chris also says that he takes the blame when a girl farts. Now that would piss me off. I want my credit!
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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Aug 30th 2003, 5:57 pm

Hey Megs - thought you might be interested in the TWoP con info - there's one in Washington DC!

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Sep 2nd 2003, 3:36 am

13.12 - I Heart Laura:
The most awesome thing I saw on TV last week was thanks to the Little House on the Prairie marathon on the Hallmark Channel. I actually saw an episode I've never seen before! So that in and of itself was awesome. In this episode, the Ingalls family is coming back from a big trip to Mankato. These three dudes ride up on horseback, and one of them is the Sheriff from Sleepy Eye. They're looking for the last member of the Sioux tribe, a guy named Lame Horse. Which is more like Lame Name, since it doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

The Sheriff wants to kills Lame Horse. Also, the Sheriff warns the Ingalls family that a blizzard is coming, and since this was before the days of Triple Doppler radar, he knows it because his foot got frostbitten twice and now it tells him when snow is coming. Pa scoffs at this, because it's way too late in the year for a blizzard. So next thing you know, it's a total blizzard and the Ingalls family holes up in a conveniently abandoned house. Pa goes out to chop some wood for the fire, and his horse is like, "Neigh!" and Pa's like, "What's up?" and the horse is like, "Neigh, neigh!" and Pa figures the horse is on crack but we know it means that Lame Horse is nearby.

So Pa comes back with the wood and he and Ma have a conversation about how they don't have much food left and things are tense. So the next day, Pa goes out hunting and gets a deer but it's still a total blizzard so he falls down in the snow. Meanwhile, the Sheriff (who totally knew there was a blizzard coming but ignored it for some unknown reason) stumbles into the Ingalls's temporary housing, and Ma helps him warm up and feeds him, even though he's totally creepy. So then Lame Horse finds Pa and brings him to the house and the Sheriff makes Ma tie Lame Horse up even though Lame Horse saved Pa's life. That night, while everyone is sleeping, Lame Horse totally uses the fire to burn through his ropes and escape. Awesome!

So then the next morning, the Sheriff is all pissed off and yells, and Pa gives him this totally anachronistic speech about loving other people despite their racial differences, like, somehow Pa was the Martin Luther King of his day. And then Pa has to go out to the barn to shoot one of the horses so that they have food, and he's all sad about it and the horse is like, "Neigh?" and Pa is like, "Sorry, dude." And then Lame Horse comes back and drops off a deer for the Ingalls family. But the Sheriff sees Lame Horse walking away and totally shoots him but not fatally, and Ma nurses Lame Horse back to health because all he needed was to get his Ingalls on and he's all better. And Pa shames the Sheriff into giving up his bloodthirsty hunt and then the storm stops and they all go home. And the horse was like, "Awesome! I totally lived!"
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Post by Megs » Sep 2nd 2003, 8:59 am

candygirl wrote:Hey Megs - thought you might be interested in the TWoP con info - there's one in Washington DC!

Thanks! I may have to check that out, although most of the TWoP'ers intimidate me! :wink:
"I have all these dreams where I know exactly what to say. And you tell me, you know, that you forgive me."

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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Sep 9th 2003, 3:19 am

Before Kim's weekly installment of TMATISOTLW, she has a great flashback story:
The women walk out of the store. Christina say that $65 for shoes is not bad. Mallory interviews that Simon, Leah, and Christina ganged up on her and forced her to buy new shoes. I was all set to go on a rant about how they should let Mallory wear what she wants, but then I remembered the tight-rolling intervention of 1992. My friend Molly has a hard time letting go of the past sometimes. So in 1992, she was still tight-rolling her jeans at the bottom. You know, where you would fold your jeans over at the bottom and then roll them up so it almost looked like they were elasticized around your ankles. And it went out of style in about 1990, if not earlier. So one time we were at a shoe store, and my friend The Bottis and I told Molly that we wouldn't let her leave the store until she gave up the tight roll. Molly begged and pleaded with us. "But they look like bell bottoms! I love my tight rolls! And I'm so good at it!" The Bottis and I stood firm. No tight rolls. No more. I thought we won out, but when discussing this incident with Molly, she reminded me that we were at a party later that year and our friend Trent was actually sneaking up to her and undoing her tight rolls. Molly is now ashamed that it got so bad that we had to have an intervention and that people (guys! Straight guys!) were trying to help and she still couldn't see the light. I'm just saying that I have been guilty of trying to help out fashion-impaired friends, so I can't criticize the roommates. ["...this time." -- Wing Chun]
And now Joe Schmo!
The most awesome thing I saw on TV last week was the new faux-reality show Joe Schmo on Spike TV. If you haven't heard about it, the producers got a group of actors and then one regular guy, and they told the regular guy that he was on a reality show, but really the whole thing is fake. So it's kind of like watching a regular reality show, but they try to make it totally over-the-top, and you think any minute the guy is going to figure it out, but so far he hasn't. They even have the requisite smarmy host who delivers super-cheesy lines, complete with dramatic pauses, and they cast all the reality-show types, like the Virgin and the Asshole and the Old Crusty Guy.

There was a lot about it that was awesome, including the immunity challenge where they all had to touch various body parts to a naked porn star and the last person to let go won immunity. So the producers planned to have it be a showdown between the regular guy and the asshole, but then the regular guy let go first, totally ruining their plans, and they showed a shot of the people in the control room gasping, which was awesome.

But the greatest part was the elimination ceremony, where they all "voted" for one person to leave. And the contestants all lined up on these bleachers and the host walked in and just stared at them for ten minutes before speaking, just like on The Bachelor. And each contestant had a commemorative plate with his or her face on it. A plate. Awesome. So then the host read off the votes and the schemer was voted out. So she had to serve her plate to the host and then she gave the most ridiculous speech about snakes and rats and cockroaches. And then the host was like, "Ashes and ashes, dust to dust, from the point forward, you are dead to us," and he threw her plate in the fire! Awesome! And she stomped out and the host was trying to give some concluding remarks but you could hear the schemer in the background yelling because she couldn't figure out how to get out of the house.

So everyone thought the regular guy had to have figured it out at this point, and one of the contestants went up to his room for damage control, but it turned out the regular guy was just pissed off because the schemer -- with whom he was supposed to have an alliance -- had voted for him. I thought the whole show would be really dumb, but maybe after recapping six seasons of Real World, as well as Love Cruise, Boot Camp, Tough Enough, The Mole, and Joe Millionaire, I just really appreciate spoofs of reality shows.
Natasha aka candygirl ::

Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer.
You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?

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