Graham and Hallie

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Three Rivers Resident
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Re: Graham and Hallie

Post by majesty » Aug 3rd 2008, 7:30 am

Or maybe she was just trying to force herself to need him at that moment because she thought she should need him??
This is my interpretation of that scene. And also, she may have just wanted to do something spontaneous and sexy because it was such a contradiction of her usual behavior.

I think, if anything, Graham is the one who needs Patti. She is the organized, stable spouse in the marriage, probably like Andy Cherski is in his marriage to Camille.

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Cami A.
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Re: Graham and Hallie

Post by Cami A. » Aug 3rd 2008, 7:53 am

I'll agree to that interpretation!
I think you're right. Thanks for pointing out the significance of that hospital scene.
It's easy to forget that "Strangers In The House" is not just about dealing with a damaged friendship (Angela and Sharon's)--it's about fear of death, and how families, and husbands, and wives, and older people have to inevitably face this fear.

I really liked how they dealt with Graham's realization that he's getting older and fears leaving behind his family. How he completely freaked out and shut Patty out and reached out to Camille.

I love how MSCL is so universal! It's about teens, parents, families, spouses, friends, lovers and so much more! My parents said they were surprised and pleased how much of the spot light the parents got in the series.

Just curious--do you have a personal like or dislike for Hallie's character (ignoring her threat to Graham's marriage) and for what reasons?

Did you get my PM?
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Three Rivers Resident
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Re: Graham and Hallie

Post by majesty » Aug 3rd 2008, 8:03 am

Just curious--do you have a personal like or dislike for Hallie's character (ignoring her threat to Graham's marriage) and for what reasons?
Yes, I dislike her! But it's mostly because of her being the willing Temptress. :lol: I don't know if I can separate my dislike for her from that reason. I feel like Camille when she was give that tight-lipped smile when she met Hallie, then flatly said, "No, I don't like her."

Hallie was just too loud and a bit obnoxious. Of course, she was aware of this, but still. She was way too pushy. If she had required a lot more scenes, I'm sure she would be even more annoying.

The only thing I liked about her was how assessed Jordan when Patti asked her for a description.

Oh, and yes, I got the PM and responded.

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Cami A.
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Re: Graham and Hallie

Post by Cami A. » Aug 3rd 2008, 8:33 am

I didn't get your reply to my PM.

Anyways, I kinda liked Hallie. I mean, she was annoying. But I thought she was pretty, and spirited, and definitely deserved a lot better than that Brad character. Maybe she was a little instable and quirky, but that's what made her interesting and fun for Graham. You could already tell he liked her when he called her a "loud, obnoxious woman" to Patty after the first class.

I love that scene with her in "the space" when its raining, and she's standing there alone and says.."Sorry, did I scare you?" I felt so sorry for her, because she tried to always be up but things were not going so well for her. In that way she was sort of like an adult Rayanne, no?
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Three Rivers Resident
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Re: Graham and Hallie

Post by majesty » Aug 3rd 2008, 9:01 am

Oh, no! Let me see if it's saved. I don't know what happened. :?:

She doesn't really remind me of Rayanne. Perhaps, because they are both loud and assertive. I wonder how old Hallie was supposed to be in relation to Patti and Graham. She seemed to me to be about ten or so years younger. I wonder if Graham is just attracted to younger women at this point in his life.

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Cami A.
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Re: Graham and Hallie

Post by Cami A. » Aug 3rd 2008, 2:48 pm

She's like Rayanne ONLY because she is a person of emotional extremes and a bit unstable and rash. She doesn't have much, so when she gets dumped by Brad and realizes she's in love with a married man she's devastated--much like Rayanne is devastated when Angela shuns her in Betrayal. That scene where Hallie's drenched and alone in "the space" makes me think of Rayanne in the hallway shouting out to Angela (who is passing) to tell her she got the part of Emily in Our Town, and Angela just passing by without responding. She looks just as lost. I get similar feelings from the scenes where Rayanne reaches out to Patty to tell her "she did something real bad" and Sharon to say "she messed up." (Mind you these 2 characters are her "enemies" earlier in the series.)
"So, the mouse makes pressure, just by breathing?...I can relate."

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