Message for Ross w/ lunchbox update

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Jason R
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Message for Ross w/ lunchbox update

Post by Jason R » Mar 20th 2003, 9:55 pm


Ross has stepped way over the edge of decency. Again.

Just got a call from the lunchbox manufacturers. As all of us here know, Ross's phone numbers were all changed and you'd have a better chance of getting a call answered by an Amish tobacco farmer than by his company (which he claims to no longer own, btw).

Anyway, he has been pretending that GWhiz, the lunchbox manufacturer has been avoiding him. He called and left a message today that unless they call him by Friday he is going to file charges against them for wire fraud, "felony fraud," and "mail fraud."

Pot. Kettle. Black.

First, he's obviously full of sh*t. They put up with his garbage and do not have to go out of their way to compensate for his incompetence.

Let me explain what is going on here. Ross is trying to derail the lunchbox delivery so that he can point his finger at somebody else and blame them for non-delivery. He can't afford to ship the lunchboxes anyway.

I believe that GWhiz would ship them, but there seems to be a problem. As hard as it is to believe, Ross never submitted a purchase order. On top of this, the 3 payments that GWhiz received, and the one bounced check were all from different people and companies. They are concerned about delivering them to Ross if somebody else will claim that they paid for them.

I'm predicting that the lunchboxes will not ship and that Ross will attempt to blame GWhiz. My message to Ross is that you had better ship out every last stick of product that you promised to your customers.


Gord Lacey was talking to me last night and recounted your conversation with him in October, where you told him that the product would ship and then I would look like a fool, BMG would never work with me again, etc. His comment was "you sure showed Jason!" (he was being sarcastic). I really wanted to be proven wrong, however, I believe that it is becoming increasingly clear that you are a criminal who should not be allowed to freely associate with the unincarcerated population.

Jason Rosenfeld
Last edited by Jason R on Apr 11th 2003, 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by K-man » Mar 20th 2003, 10:09 pm

Thanks for the continued info. Jason. I wonder if we will have to order the lunchboxes as a completely separate and singular item from GWHIZ??? Thanks again for keeping us posted.
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Post by GaryEA » Mar 20th 2003, 11:12 pm

If anything, this move will force this entire matter, and Ross, into a position they cannot get out of.

I'll explain (well, try to); Ross is accusing GWhiz for fraud, something he and whatever Mickey Mouse outfit he owns has been accused of for months. Delay. Promise. Delay. Promise. Oh, whoops! Did that check bounce? Sorry! Promise. Delay.

Fraud, right?

But he keeps making the promises, and somehow, he's gone this far without getting nabbed by men in black suits who use handcuffs. We all know that agencies are looking at this, and the mistakes are starting to catch up to him.

Now Ross, who is the last person who should willingly step into a courtroom, is accusing someone else of fraud, and he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Checks with different names, bounced checks, changed phone numbers, lack of a purchase order. Those are just the facts with GWhiz. A judge is going to laugh Ross out of the state.

If GWhiz hypothetically files a countersuit, or used hard facts to fight the case, guess whose skeletons are poised to come spilling out of the closet?

Way to go Ross. Nice corner you're painting yourself into.

The sad thing is that these accusations could permanently derail any movement with the bonus items. Ross could say that because of "pending legal issues", the lunch boxes, and by extension, the bonus discs, cannot be released.

If you haven't already filed a claim folks, DO IT NOW. The chances of getting these items are getting slimmer and slimmer, and your money with it.


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Post by Jason R » Mar 20th 2003, 11:33 pm

Well said. One could almost argue that he is intentionally derailing the bonus materials and trying to make it look like it is due to circumstances beyond his control.

Now, don't laugh me out of town, but did anybody receive their gift certificates, t-shirts, or anything else that he promised?

I hold firm. Ross is a scumbag. He is a thief, and anybody can feel free to quote me on it.


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Post by Natasha (candygirl) » Mar 20th 2003, 11:40 pm

jason wrote:Now, don't laugh me out of town, but did anybody receive their gift certificates, t-shirts, or anything else that he promised?
Uhh, totally not.

Remember Ross sugar coating the t-shirt issue that was raised at this forum with a promise to get everyone's individual sizes? As soon as he said that, I knew we would never get those shirts. He. Is. A. Liar.
Natasha aka candygirl ::

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Post by fnordboy » Mar 20th 2003, 11:50 pm

Ross is unbelievable. He really can't be that stupid, is that possible? For someone to be that completely f**king stupid?

It's to bad Oz is off the air, I was really looking forward to seeing Ross become someone's bitch.

I really hope the law enforcement agencies do something about him and the rest of the people at AU..err...whatever it is now. It is really sad when such blatant scammers are free. But alas, I am sure they will not do anything. :evil:

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Post by vapspwi » Mar 20th 2003, 11:53 pm

jason wrote:Now, don't laugh me out of town, but did anybody receive their gift certificates, t-shirts, or anything else that he promised?
I think I knew, along with everybody else, that we'd never get anything beyond what we paid for out of Ross (given the trouble we're having just doing THAT). So I never even paid attention to the discussion of even more extras, that were obviously just a smoke screen.

At this point, if anybody's seriously expecting those items, it would seem wise to just forget about 'em and focus on the stuff we've actually paid for, not something some swindler used to distract us and get us off his back for a minute.


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Post by Jason R » Mar 21st 2003, 12:35 am

Forgot to add, after Ross's totally out-of-line message to the owner of GWhiz, they are about to tell him to arrange to have the lunchboxes shipped from Hong Kong himself.

There is no PO, no written deal, and nothing requiring them to send it to him. They wanted to do this project because it was a cool project to add to their portfolio.

They didn't expect that they'd be dealing with such a major piece of sh*t person. Sorry to be blunt.

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Deep Sigh

Post by lance » Mar 21st 2003, 11:39 pm

Oh man,

As Candygirl has pointed out before it has been over a year since this debacle got started. The delays were bad enough. The empty promises were shameful.

What Ross is doing now...just goes beyond the Pale. Thanks again Jason for letting us know what is going on, good or bad.


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Post by So-Called Loon » Mar 22nd 2003, 9:48 am

Up to his eyeballs!
Been a member since sometime BR (before Ross)

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Post by so-called customer » Mar 22nd 2003, 5:41 pm

I would assume that Another Universe only has a limited window to license these lunchboxes, since I doubt Disney is stupid enough to leave that open ended. That will be the next issue I'm sure.

I also wonder how AU's contract is worded as far as rights being applicable to different companies, if the entity that aquired the rights doesn't exist anymore.

It has been pretty clear for months that none of the bonus items would ever appear. I just feel sorry for those who didn't get while the getting was good.

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Post by Naomi » Mar 22nd 2003, 10:58 pm

Scum. The man is pure scum :evil:

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Post by Benebula98 » Mar 24th 2003, 2:06 pm

Hey Guys!
I rarely post, and I hope this post isn't off topic, but I just have a few questions. Where did all the money go....I mean, for the checks to be bouncing and things like that it implies it is gone...and I imagine the project didn't go over budget or something like that. Does anyone have any numbers like how much the product cost to produce and how much was made off it...etc? Also, another weird question about GWhiz. I don't know enough about international law reguarding fraud or purchase orders, and I know how much I hate Ross and how funny it is that he is getting shown by them, but sadly it is affecting us. Would they really do something like get nit picky over the lack of a purchase order and just not ship? I the product, make the product, take the money, store the product, damage the product somewhat, redo the product, and then just not ship due to a purchase order?
K, rant over....

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Post by Jason R » Mar 24th 2003, 2:43 pm

Here's the problem. With no purchase order, and with none of the payments actually having come from Ross himself (other people charged the lunchboxes on their credit cards. presumably Ross used these cards with permission), GWhiz needs to know who the rightful owner is.

As they told me, dealing with Ross has been nothing less than a nightmare and they just want to cover their asses if it turns out that the people who gave their credit cards to Ross were not paid back, and end up making a claim against them for the lunchboxes.

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Post by so-called customer » Mar 25th 2003, 4:08 pm

GWhiz is doing the smart thing. I know someone else who is in a similar position. They started a project for one client, were paid a deposit, the client's company went through some changes and was sold to someone else. now the new people ask for the product, but since they didn't pay for it, everything was held up. Without clear paperwork, the product can't be released, as another party could come in saying it was thier money that paid for it, and demand the product.

It is obvious Ross is running a shady business, and there are probably other stakeholders involved who could go after GWhiz if they release the lunchboxes. If no one company has signed the cheques, no one company has a claim to the product.


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