My Comments about my call from Ross.

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Jason R
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My Comments about my call from Ross.

Post by Jason R » Feb 2nd 2003, 10:11 am

First, yesterday was an incredibly sad day for the USA, and I didn't really feel like talking to Ross, but whatever. It was a less-than-cordial call. If my phone had a button that could inflict pain on the other caller, I would have held it down.

His call started off with the statement that

"since you are (meaning me) posting things being anonymously reported by my employees anyway, I might as well give me some straight dates.

The lunchboxes are being shipped from Hong Kong soon, or have already been shipped.

The bonus disc is done, I am just waiting for 3 more signed releases from some of the participants

I left CMIH and received no compensation"

I asked about refunds. Are they done giving refunds? He told someone who has been attacking me for months that he was almost done.

"Refunds will probably start next week. We will do a batch of them each week until we are done"

I asked if this means weeks or months, and I specifically said "will people still be waiting in 2 months?" He responded "Everyone should have a refund within two months, and I will give you (meaning me) a list of all people who I receive refund notification from."

After that, he started to rant a little, so I abruptly ended the call. Yesterday was a personal day for my wife and me. I only picked up my cell because the call was from a "private" caller. In the past 3-4 months, that usually meant it was a threat or prank call from an investor. At least I assume they were investors because they told me to watch my back, that they were reporting me to the SEC, FBI, etc.

Okay, some comments from me:

1) I was told nothing new in this conversation. He is still waiting for releases in February? Personally, I wonder *why* a participant in the Museum of TV and Radio footage would want to help AU profit. Personally, if I were them, I would only grant the right to make enough copies to please the preorderers so as to not hurt the fans who supported this DVD.

2) Ross has told investors, who have all echoed the same thing in conversations with me that "Jason is a home-bound shut-in, with business psychosis, an axe to grind, and was fired from BMG for making physical threats against his supervisor." 100% Bullshit. 100% the desperate lies of someone with the authorities closing in on him We has lied about me and this has probably hurt my relationship with BMG.

Several investors have called me since Ross stole AU from CMIH and apologized for what they wrote. I said that I forgave them, but that if they had ever tried to disparage me to BMG or to my current employers, that they please follow up and let them know what they have learned since trying to harm me and my company.

In fact, if you feel that you have gotten to know me through this ordeal, feel free to write, positive or negative to I am trying to repair a relationship that Ross has basically damaged pretty badly. I know that they know that I left on good terms as part of mass-restructuring, but he ihas said things since that have damaged that relationship.

In sum, I have no frigging idea why Ross would call me. My gut instinct is that he is afraid. He cannot easily scam people easily now that investors, customers and former vendors, contractors and suppliers see the real him. In fact, it is going to get worse as the trade papers in his industry bring the credit card charge irregularities and other problems to light.

I don't believe a thing he told me. And I am tired of acting as a go-between. I am personally out approximately $35-50k because of this guy and he can post his own damn updates on this site. I don't feel comfortable passing along this message as I feel that I am being used to try to buy him some more time. However, I very much want people to receive their refunds. My gut feeling is that if you have received the email from AU YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY REPORT IT TO YOUR CREDIT CARD. TAKE A PRINTOUT AND/OR FAX IT TO THEM. THIS MIGHT VERY WELL HELP TO PROVE THAT YOU WERE A VICTIM OF FRAUD AND ENTITLE YOU TO ADDITIONAL COVERAGES UNDER YOUR MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT.

Also, if you received the email asking whether you were overcharged, and didn't get a refund from you card, I recommend that you fill it out. However, I think it is just a ploy to buy more time. He is assuming that he will make a certain amount of sales to be able to refund your money. The overcharge funds should never have been spent in the first place, and to me, this seems to indicate some wrongdoing on's part.

Truly Yours,
Jason Rosenfeld
Last edited by Jason R on Feb 2nd 2003, 12:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by lance » Feb 2nd 2003, 10:33 am


After all that has happened I am not sure why you want to mend fences with Ross but I wish you the best in this endeavor.

Lance Man

Jason R
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Post by Jason R » Feb 2nd 2003, 10:43 am

Huh? I have no desire for anything other than to build prison fences around him. Please re-read. Was I vague in my post? I'm not being sarcastic, but did I make it sound like I want to mend fences?

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Post by lance » Feb 2nd 2003, 4:00 pm

Jason wrote
In fact, if you feel that you have gotten to know me through this ordeal, feel free to write, positive or negative to I am trying to repair a relationship that Ross has basically damaged pretty badly. I know that they know that I left on good terms as part of mass-restructuring, but he ihas said things since that have damaged that relationship
Was this meant seriously or I am I reading this wrong? Was the relationship with the investors that is in question?

Lance Man

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Post by fnordboy » Feb 2nd 2003, 4:28 pm

lance wrote:
Was this meant seriously or I am I reading this wrong? Was the relationship with the investors that is in question?

Lance Man
Jason is referring to his relationship with BMG, that has now been strained because of Ross and this whole clusterF.

The day that Jason mends his "relationship" with Ross is the day I hunt down Jason and personally straightjacket him and drop him off at Bellevue. ;)

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Post by lance » Feb 2nd 2003, 5:09 pm

fnordboy wrote:
lance wrote:
Was this meant seriously or I am I reading this wrong? Was the relationship with the investors that is in question?

Lance Man
Jason is referring to his relationship with BMG, that has now been strained because of Ross and this whole clusterF.

The day that Jason mends his "relationship" with Ross is the day I hunt down Jason and personally straightjacket him and drop him off at Bellevue. ;)
Ahh, thanks for clearing that up.

Lance Man

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Post by Debs » Feb 2nd 2003, 6:58 pm


I wish you well. I am sorry that this has caused you loss. I have no head for business but in my mind, getting a tv show onto DVD should in no way belong in the same world as threatening phone-calls.

I hope that BMG are following this and realise that you have done everything in your power (night & day / 1 year & counting) to see that the fans get what they paid for. You *deserve* to succeed. Ross deserves nothing but jail time - and I feel a fool for believing his promises.

Another company may have provided my set and my bank may have credited me but I'm still here following everything that's going on because the project was / is important to me. I know I'm one of the lucky ones.

Deb x
Mom. Streamers?


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