Life and what it takes

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Life and what it takes

Post by mglenn » Mar 5th 2001, 2:07 pm

Hello all you life lovers out there!

Stan Lee here...nope thats not right! It just me you friendly neiborhood project manager.

Its been a bit slow around here and MSCL.COM, but then this time of year always is for us. But were still here none the less.

Unfortunatly there nothing new to report on the DVD release front at this point. Note that's not a bad omen or anything...But what I can say is that Sascha told me he has some new stuff for the site, but he can't post it till we upgrade the server software... So this is where I make an offer I don't often make anymore... We here at MSCL.COM need a bigger harddrive. Something on the order of 5 to 10 Gig. If you have such a beast and are willing to part with as a donation I could be convinced to reward you greatly. If you have to ask with what, don't bother replying.

Also as we prepare to make this upgrade we would like your opinion on what features and such you would like to see on MSCL.COM...

Well thats all for now

Mike Glenn
Project Manager for MSCL.COM

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Re: Life and what it takes

Post by Jack » Mar 5th 2001, 2:26 pm


Can't help you on the harddrive, but I was a curious: Are you a comic book fan?
You know, your reference to Stan Lee and "your friendly neighborhood...".

I was the biggest comic book fan in the world a long, long time ago. I used to own
a comic book shop as a matter of fact. Anyways, just curious, and until next time,
make mine Marvel (though DC's come a long way these days).


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Re: Life and what it takes

Post by Krakolano » Mar 6th 2001, 2:50 am

yeah, i have about a 15 gig i could part with, but uh...what would be the reward?

just kidding.
(and no i don't have 15 gigs)

so, until Angela dies her hair blonde and calls herself Gwen Stacy, make Marvel mine!
and word to your mother.

i don't believe in making plans...whatever happens... happens.

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Re: Life and what it takes

Post by mglenn » Mar 29th 2001, 12:58 pm

Ah yes... I am a closet comic fan. Its my brothers fault, he started getting them when he went to college. And having a nasty reading addiction I read some, well then I just had to findout what happened.

Currently <a href="">Deity</a> is my obsession in comicland. Think Angela suddenly finds out she really is from a different universe and has superpowers! :-)

Mike Glenn
Project Manager for MSCL.COM

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Re: Life and what it takes

Post by mglenn » Apr 16th 2001, 10:04 am

Since I haven't got any takers on the a drive donation, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to contribute to a paypal account small donations to help out. Or maybe and MSCL.COM poster for sale on the site... Other ideas or suggestions are welcome.

Please remember that everything do to with this site comes from donations. The guys and girls that have put together this site do it on there own freetime and all the hardware and bandwidth is sacraficed from our own stash. Your letters of support and encouragedment are always appreciated!

Mike Glenn
Project Manager for MSCL.COM

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