VHS copies of 13 episodes WANTED!
Posted: Dec 17th 2001, 11:55 pm
Hey all -
I have the red box set, but desperately want all the rest. I am willing to pay anyone for copies off the TV. I will pay shipping and everything. Also can anyone tell me which episodes are in the blue box set??? Well, anyone who thinks they can help me out, please email me back at : Solargerrl@aol.com . I'm eternally grateful.
"You're so beautiful, it hurts to look at you..."
I have the red box set, but desperately want all the rest. I am willing to pay anyone for copies off the TV. I will pay shipping and everything. Also can anyone tell me which episodes are in the blue box set??? Well, anyone who thinks they can help me out, please email me back at : Solargerrl@aol.com . I'm eternally grateful.

"You're so beautiful, it hurts to look at you..."