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new to the forum- seeking dvds of entire series

Posted: Feb 8th 2006, 10:00 am
by mariposa!
Moderator note: thread moved to the DVD forum

hi im new, forgive me if there is someplace to find this info. but im wondering if a dvd of the entire series is available anywhere. from what i saw in the forum it seems to be hard to i right?
someone knowledgable please set me straight.



:B-fly: :B-fly:

Posted: Jul 21st 2006, 2:57 pm
by mog
the DVD boxsets were produced and released in 2002/2003. soon after they were released in stores. then, went out of print. they are currently out of print, and will probably remain so - but who knows.

either way, the only place to find a set is on ebay or stores.