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Posted: Mar 21st 2003, 2:19 pm
by GaryEA
A Russian film site,, has a bevy of screen captures from the last trailer. I thought I'd share one here...


If it doesn't work for some of you, let me know and try to fix it. I'll also try to post a direct link link sometime later.


Posted: Jun 5th 2003, 12:07 am
by TomSpeed
I'm getting pumped about T3. I'm very curious, like everyone else, to see how Claire performs in the movie. I have a feeling she will be great. I just recently rewatched T1 and T2. It's going to be difficult for the new movie to measure up to those films. I'm kind of concerned about James Cameron not returning to direct. Does anyone know why he chose to sit this one out?

Posted: Jun 18th 2003, 8:46 pm
by GaryEA

Posted: Jun 18th 2003, 9:05 pm
by TomSpeed
Thanks for the link to Claire's interview, Gary. I guess she doesn't check out this site much anymore. :cry: Oh well, less than two weeks until T3. I might have to see it right away.

Posted: Jun 19th 2003, 1:51 am
by fnordboy
Well this post is mainly for Gary, but I will post it here in case anyone else is interested.

The latest (June) issue of Newtype Japan has a spread of Terminator 3, of course it is all in Japanese so all you can do is look at the purdy pickchurs.

:::walks away dangling Gary's sealed copy:::: what to do with this...what to do?

Posted: Jun 19th 2003, 11:58 am
by GaryEA
(A spotlight kicks in, a voice from a bullhorn booms behind it)
Put that Newtype down and step away from the car sir!



Posted: Jun 19th 2003, 12:01 pm
by fnordboy
GaryEA wrote:(A spotlight kicks in, a voice from a bullhorn booms behind it)
Put that Newtype down and step away from the car sir!


<runs, hops on a motorcycle, crashes into a house, which in turn creates several days of rioting from irate otaku>

See what you did Gary?!?

Posted: Jun 19th 2003, 12:14 pm
by GaryEA
Here's a thought; Miss the house next time Sparky.

Nope, nope, nope. Your thin veil of guilt will not affect me...



Posted: Jun 20th 2003, 7:58 pm
by GaryEA
Link to the French film site, CineMovies, with nine clips from the film.


Posted: Jun 24th 2003, 1:14 pm
by TomSpeed
Here is another interview with Claire about T3: ... danes1.htm.

Posted: Jul 1st 2003, 12:15 pm
by TomSpeed
Here's an early T3 review. Since I agree with the Flick Chick 90% of the time, I'm psyched about seeing the movie. ... tor3.shtml

Posted: Jul 1st 2003, 4:52 pm
by fnordboy
Just read this off of by a forum poster (which means I can't say that this is completely factual):
I was just watching "T News Live" on E!. It was an entire hour dedicated to T3... when discussing the merchandise, they were talking about the video game and the marketing lady said:

"The videogame comes out the same day as the DVD comes out, November 18" it looks like a date has been tentatively set... I can't wait.
Not too long of a wait for the DVD to hit. I will probably wait till the DVD or cable to watch this.

Posted: Jul 2nd 2003, 9:17 am
by Megs
fnordboy wrote:Not too long of a wait for the DVD to hit. I will probably wait till the DVD or cable to watch this.
Nah. This is the kind of movie that is best viewed in a theater with stadium seats. Even though we have a sweet set-up at home with a big screen and surround sound, I still would rather see this in a theater.

Posted: Jul 2nd 2003, 9:29 am
by TomSpeed
If you don't have the special edition DVD of T1, buy it. I'm slowly starting to replace my VHS tapes with DVDs. I picked up T1 last night since the new movie is out now. I was fascinated by the documentaries about how the movie was made, etc. It was really good stuff.

[spoiler]I was amazed to hear that O. J. Simpson was an early choice to play the Terminator. The reason why he wasn't cast was that the filmmakers didn't believe the audience would buy into O. J. being a cold-blooded killer. :roll: [/spoiler]

Posted: Jul 2nd 2003, 11:04 am
by TomSpeed
Salon's T3 review...Claire is mentioned...some spoilers... ... index.html

I agree that this is the type of movie that screams to be seen on the big screen. The bigger the screen, the bigger the explosions, the bigger the rush. Plus, it's only what...$8?