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24Okay, Nostradamus already fessed up to watching 24 - anyone else? Let's talk conspiracy theories! Like is Quentin a bad guy?
Questions about Season 2 below... * * * * * * Who just KNEW that there was a body in the trunk of the stolen car? Is Bob the real bad guy, or was Reza just trying to save his own skin? Does anyone like Sherri? How many episodes before Jack shoots Nina?
Last edited by Natasha (candygirl) on Dec 11th 2002, 8:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?
I don't watch 24 either. I have my reasons I suppose. A few of which may be; I don't like actors/actresses with famous parents in show-biz. (ya know....the whole coat-tail thing) I also played hockey against Keefer S. once and I just have a hard time accepting some guy that is like 5'5" and 130 lbs. running around like he was Billy-bad-ass or something taking out 300lb goons. The same could be said for Buffy I guess, but hey....she's a SLAYER!
![]() Daddy sold the farm and they've killed my trees. K-man
any chance you could put the word SPOLIER around as I'm only 2/3rds of the way through 24.
Anti AU Petition: http://www.ipetitions.com/campaigns/AU2/
Sorry about that - I changed the title of the thread to reflect that this topic is about Season 2.
FYI though - tv spoilers are considered anything that has not been aired yet. Hopefully what you read didn't ruin the rest of Season 1 for you (although Bob and Reza are new characters). I know how you feel - I avoid reading any news about the Sopranos or Oz because I'm afraid I'll inadvertantly find out who else got whacked between where I finished watching the DVD until now (and since both shows have been on for quite a while, A LOT of people have been killed off). When you finish watching Season 1, you should read the recaps at http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com - they are hilarious. Tony's nickname is Soul Patch, and Kim's nickname is Spawn (short for Spawn of Kiefer). Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? 24 is the coolest show on right now.
(SPOILERS AHOY.) I really liked the first season, but it had severe moments of cheesiness, particularly after 1:00 pm, with Drazen and that dreadful bout of amnesia. (This makes perfect sense; like most series they likely had the first 13 hours plotted out and started "winging it" thereafter.) And while I thought the sour ending was a bit unfulfilling, I LOVE where they've taken it. It an interview, Keifer said that, if season one was Jack Bauer's longest day, season two is his most violent. The end of season one was his "Bruce Wayne" moment, in which his life was shattered with the violent death of a loved one. Now, it's time for "Batman." ![]() We first see Jack as a despondent, broken man who no longer cares about much more than his own daughter. The creators of the show then present him with a threat so large that he must look outside his own problems: the threat of a nuclear attack. Instead of denying his anger, he feeds off it, doing whatever is necessary to get the job done. All this leads to two questions: will Jack's sacrifices be in vain? Probably not. Will he destroy himself in the process? Ay, there's the rub. I LOVE THIS SHOW. In answer to the questions: - Yeah, from last week's preview, I gathered that there was someone in the trunk. I thought they could have tried hiding the little girl in there: once it was clear that wasn't the case, I surmised who was in there. I'm a bit ambiguous about such spoiling advertising, but it was fun knowing where things were going. - I have no idea about Reza: I don't trust either of them, or his fiancee. - Nope, I don't like Sherri: she's manipulative and treacherous, but her ambition might counter the ambitions of others' and thus serve the President. (Fun scene last night: Ensign Ro from Star Trek: The Next Generation having a confrontation with Deep Space Nine's Cassidy Yates.) - I'm not sure if Jack WILL shoot Nina (given how he "passed the test" toward the end of the most recent episode). But it seems like this is the set-up: if Jack DOES kill Nina for no good reason, he will have destroyed his moral self. The moral consequences will reverberate. Truth. Beauty. Freedom. And above all things... Love.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Season 1 HAD to end the way it did. It would've been a huge disappointment if it hadn't, especially after, like you said, that horrible amnesia storyline (does amensia even happen? come on) and Kim seeming to die but jumping out of the flaming car and grabbing a branch just in time. That was a low point of the first season, but like you said, they were just winging it, which is why I think season 2 will be even better. Not that I didn't love the first one. I can't help but believe Raza. He has a British accent. Tony is the man. I would dislike Sherri if I didn't keep seeing Beverly. I can't stand Kim. They should kill her just to get her off the show. The last episode was the best one because she was barely in it, and the one scene she was in was one of the better parts of the show. Jack can't shoot Nina. At least not if they want there to be a Season 3. Actually, I thought they were gonna find her dead in that basement during the last episode. And if Jack does shoot her, it's not gonna be in the back of the head; it'll be in the foot, then the hand, then maybe the stomach, all torture-like. - Jim
Kaytee Bodle: Girl With Guitar http://girlwithguitar.0catch.com (audio, video, tabs, lyrics, etc.)
Candygirl has been reading my mind again...![]() I've got a lot to say on this one but time is tight at the moment so I'll leave you with one theory for now... (POSSIBLE) SPOILER . . . . . . . ... Sherry is in league with the faction working against President Palmer. Well, sort of. After her bid for power "behind the throne" ended in divorce, she hooked up with the opposition as an alternate route. Now that she has some chips, she'd be all to happy to turn in some or all of in her co-conspiritors to get back in David's camp. Of course she'd pretend that she had "uncovered" those conspiritors through her "investigation". If this proves to be correct, we can only hope that David has already seen through it and is just playing Sherry until she rats out her cronies... I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.
-- Clarence Darrow I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it. -- Mark Twain
Re: 24 - Season 2I initially watched the first season of 24 because it was done by the creators of La Femme Nikita, one of my fave shows of all time. I found 24 to be my favorite series from last season and ended up getting the S1 DVDs. I was a bit disappointed that there weren't very many extras other than the alternate ending and commentary, but the timetable of the DVDs probably contributed to it not having a bunch of extras.
As for S2, I have found myself still watching, although it's not the same excitement I had last season. Maybe it was the newness of S1 and not really knowing anything about Jack, but I found myself watching all S1 episodes several times. With S2, I am content with seeing the episodes once. The darker Jack has been a bit hard to take but makes sense, and I do think the story will pick up as it goes along. I have heard, though, that 24 is not doing too well in the ratings this year. * * * * * * SPOILERS REGARDING CANDYGIRL'S QUESTIONS * * * * * * Who just KNEW that there was a body in the trunk of the stolen car? My boss unfortunately spoiled this for me when he mentioned seeing a preview related to this. Then again, I would have watched the preview if it had come across during my regular TV viewing. In any case, I knew something bad was going to come of Kim and Miguel stealing Gary's car, and it's too bad that it turned out to be Carla dead. Is Bob the real bad guy, or was Reza just trying to save his own skin? I'm still not sure what is going on here. Bob seems way too calm for the situation at hand, although Reza seems too obvious of a choice to be the one who has connections with the terrorist. I think it would be great if there was a complete twist and Marie was the one involved somehow. She seems so innocent that it would be shocking to have her be the bad seed. Does anyone like Sherri? I can't stand that character, but she certainly enriches the storyscape. You never really know where her loyalties lie, and now that she and Palmer are divorced, I'm thinking that she is definitely not to be trusted. She feels burned by Palmer's rejection, and she might just be willing to do whatever it takes to undermine him. How many episodes before Jack shoots Nina? What Nina said in the transport will ring true. Jack might not think about it now, but Kim needs him and ultimately, I don't think he will shoot Nina. Besides, we have yet to find out what the marks on her back are. There is more to the story here than we have seen yet, and Nina might just end up being not as bad as we all believe her to be. "When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard
Oooh, tell me about the alternate ending for S1! (pretty please)
I also thought that S1 started getting ridiculous when Teri developed amnesia and Kim escaped the car crash. How many times can that girl be kidnapped and escape?! Am I the only one who remembers Marie from that Canadian show "Fifteen"? Anyway, I think it would be an interesting development if she was the one behind all this terrorist connection and that Bob was trying to cover up for her. I agree that Reza being the bad guy is way too obvious. I think Sherri is one of those characters that the show knows we love to hate. She might be a conniving, manipulative evil woman with her own selfish motives but at least she isn't as useless as Kim. Sherri is the captain of her own ship, whereas Kim is someone who is always in the wrong place at the wrong time. How does Gary tie into the bomb? There must be a connection, right? And props to Miguel for busting out his Ninja skills. I guess that sort of makes up for the fact that he was stupid enough to get out of the car and open the trunk when he should have put his foot on the gas and driven outta there! ![]() Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"?
Re: 24 - Season 2*
* * * * * SPOILERS REGARDING S2 * * * * * * I am hoping that Gary doesn't tie into the bomb because that would make everything too neat. In the real world, everything doesn't tie together and I don't want to see that on a show like 24, where it's mirroring what could be a RL situation. I think Gary is simply an abusive husband who really lost control. The question is: how long will it take authorities to discover that Gary is the bad guy in all this and not Kim? * * * * * * SPOILERS REGARDING ALTERNATE S1 ENDING * * * * * * I remember Kiefer Sutherland saying on a talk show that there were three endings shot to ensure that no one really knew how the series ended until it actually aired. The DVD only features one alternate ending, where Teri lives instead of dies and everything is happily ever after. I never thought the first season could end happily and after seeing the alternate ending, I am completely happy TPTB went with the sadder ending because it definitely fit the feel of the show much more. "When you drink from the cup of life, chug." ~ Citibank billboard
The ratings for the first season were pretty weak too, but they did well enough in the key demographic of 18-35 year old males that the show was renewed. Last I heard, S2's ratings have improved, but I don't know by how much.
- Jim
Kaytee Bodle: Girl With Guitar http://girlwithguitar.0catch.com (audio, video, tabs, lyrics, etc.)
MORE SPOILERS (Hell, this whole thread is spoilers)
. . . . . . . I didn't see the old corpse-in-the-trunk routine coming until the last minute, but when I did it reminded me of season two X-Files, with Scully stuffed in Duane Barry's trunk as a trooper stops him. What do you want to bet that Megan's injuries flare up while that nervous cop waits for backup? I'm not sure how Bob Warner is linked to the bombers, but I think he had Reza sign off on that transfer as a precaution. If his money trail was investigated, it would lead first to a young Arab male. This is like throwing out a big hunk of meat to distract guard dogs. Reza might have suspected Bob was up to no good, but he could hardly rock the boat so close to his wedding. How much longer can the feds keep a lid on the bomb? Kim knows, Miguel knows, the LA HazMat knows, Mason's kid suspects, and Mason and Tony discussed it right in front of those paramedics at CTU. Not to mention the military abortively pulling out of town; several thousand troops just don't pick up and go on a lark. I'd say we'll see traffic jams and riots within six to eight hours. Don't forget that reporter either; it doesn't matter if his detention is legal, the networks will smell fear wafting from the Palmer camp. There was an old MAD magazine parody of The Spy Who Loved Me that seems familiar here. The evil madman had launched nukes at New York and Moscow to start a war, but James Bond figured that the New Yorkers wouldn't even notice, while the denizens of Moscow would consider it an improvement. ![]() I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.
-- Clarence Darrow I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it. -- Mark Twain
Hee hee, my boyfriend and I are waiting to see who else Palmer sentences to "The Room" with the reporter.
![]() When Lady Mac initially showed up, I thought he would throw her in there, just on principle! I agree though - it's already 3pm and lots of people know about the bomb by now (and can you believe that NO ONE at CTU called their families to warn them? "No, George, you're right - I'll just sit here at my rubble strewn desk working away because figuring out how to solve this puzzle is the best way to protect my family from nuclear annihilation and I have enough faith in our collective skills at CTU that I won't take 10 seconds out of my day to call my family and tell them to get as far away from Los Angeles as possible, no siree Bob!"). I'm waiting for the "widespread panic" and "mass hysteria" that Palmer keeps warning us that we want to avoid. Natasha aka candygirl :: MSCL.com
Look, if this is weird for you, being tutored? I don't mind helping you a little longer. You could have sex with me if you really want to help...I guess that's a "no"? Hey gang!
Loved Season 1. I caught the first 3 eps when they aired and then life conspired to make me miss both airings of the next three eps, so I waited until the DVDs cae out and watched the whole think over about 36 hours. Watching it in near-real time is really the way to go, but I'm too hooked on it now to not watch Season 2 as it airs. ![]() The dark place where Jack is rings true to me. My fiancee died in 1997 and I still haven't completely come back out into the light. (I really shouldn't post in the middle of the night. I get all moody.) Mek Who is onlineUsers browsing this forum: No registered users and 3 guests |