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World Series
Posted: Oct 24th 2004, 11:37 pm
by SanDeE*
I'm rooting for Boston myself. They just have to win the world series this year because of the Babe Ruth curse --- 86 years is just so long. Plus, the Cardinals beat the Brewers in the 1982 World Series, and I'm a Brewers fan... so if the Cardinals get beat this time, I'm all for it. Sorry, Cardinals fans. Not that my team is any good at all, any year since 1982.
Posted: Oct 25th 2004, 8:33 am
by K-man
I'm from St. Louis, and even though I don't care about sports I wouldn't mind seeing the Red Sox win. I guess it would be O.K. if the Cards won too though. Either way......I will still be unemployed and ugly.
Posted: Oct 25th 2004, 10:53 pm
by lance
K-man wrote:I'm from St. Louis, and even though I don't care about sports I wouldn't mind seeing the Red Sox win. I guess it would be O.K. if the Cards won too though. Either way......I will still be unemployed and ugly.
I caught the last couple of games between the Red Sox and Yankees. Those were some awesome games. Yeah, I think the Red Sox are way over do for series title.
Too bad about Houston. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. Maybe one day they will make it to the Series.
Posted: Oct 28th 2004, 3:34 pm
by SanDeE*
Yay Boston!
The curse has been lifted.
Posted: Oct 28th 2004, 9:54 pm
by lance
Way to go Boston!