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E-mail from an International Buyer to the DVDsupport

Posted: Sep 23rd 2003, 5:49 am
by aitchjv
I urge all international buyers to send an e-mail like this..... because we will be charged again... you know we will......................


Please update my address:


Also I assume that the value of the items on the customs ticket will be 0 dollars. Seeing as this is the "bonus" part of the box set - there should be no value associated - wouldn't you agree? I have paid the total customs charge already and if I am charged AGAIN I will not be impressed. This is part 2 out of 2 shipment - please make sure all paper work says this for international buyers as otherwise we will be clobbered again with customs charges.

After all the problems with the MSCL order (massive delay and double charged credit card, loss of exclusivity and general bad service) - the least you could do is make sure we do not get charged again.

Helen Varley

international taxes

Posted: Sep 23rd 2003, 5:59 pm
by wend74
good idea Helen i will do the same
i was lucky in that for some reason UPS didn't charge me but theres no reason to risk it again! they are bound to screw it up. damn AU bunch of losers they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery! :lol: :D