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Free shipment for "free" bonus material

Posted: Dec 5th 2002, 6:12 am
by jellybean
Here's how you should be able to get free shipment for the next delivery, even if AU don't declare the value as $0.00

I was asking a guy in our shipping department in work and this is what he has suggested.

Contact UPS and get a copy of the invoice, or you could use the invoice that comes with the DVD. The DVD is listed as My so called life DVD set, or something to that effect.

When the next shipment leaves and you get a tracking number, contact UPS and let them know that the delivery is the remainder of the first one, quote your invoice number and tell them that you have already paid for the tax and duty. You might also not have to pay a handling fee as they will not have to do any customs paperwork, or they might charge you for not doing the paperwork!

Hopefully they will agree that this is part of the original delivery.

Fingers crossed...

Posted: Dec 12th 2002, 10:02 pm
by emsef
Thanks for this info!

Posted: Dec 13th 2002, 4:12 pm
by so-called customer
This assumes that:

a) AU ever ship the bonus materials
b) They use UPS for the shipment, which is unlikely due to the cost

Posted: Dec 13th 2002, 4:22 pm
by Jason R
This is "oh so true."

What is on the bonus disc, anyway? Anyone feel like doing some due diligence and seeing if the Museum of TV and Radio was paid?
so-called customer wrote:This assumes that:

a) AU ever ship the bonus materials
b) They use UPS for the shipment, which is unlikely due to the cost

Posted: Dec 13th 2002, 8:57 pm
by Lurker1999
Jason Rosenfeld wrote:This is "oh so true."

What is on the bonus disc, anyway? Anyone feel like doing some due diligence and seeing if the Museum of TV and Radio was paid?
so-called customer wrote:This assumes that:

a) AU ever ship the bonus materials
b) They use UPS for the shipment, which is unlikely due to the cost
I sent an email to the Museum at the address listed on their website. I'll post if I hear back.

Posted: Jan 26th 2003, 4:42 am
by Naomi
I have said before that I cannot afford to pay seperate shipping. I would have waited for the bonus material so my package could be send at minimum cost. As AU did not have the courtesy to ask me if that was what I wanted I am horrifed at the thought off being landed with more shipping costs. I was thriled when I ordered them and it was explicitly promised no UK shipping. I have already paid £28 and I have no intention of spending any more.
Thanks for your suggestion. I am concerned though. I would rather not accept the purchases if they will cost me another £28 each. Knowing AU they will choose to send the bonus disk and the lunchbox seperately and shipping will end up costing me nearly £100 all together. I am really torn at the moment. I just don't know if it's worth the risk accepting the bonus material. I need to be sure it will not cost me any more money.

Posted: Feb 10th 2003, 6:16 am
by Gillian
Bonus material should be marked Promotional material , free when it gets shipped as it was included in the total cost of the DVDs which international orders have already paid customs for.

When it looks like they exist/are getting shipped we should all plague AU with emails to make sure they do this as I refuse to pay more money for something which , nice as it is , will probably be watched once and stuck away .

Free my EYE!

Posted: Feb 11th 2003, 7:35 pm
by Funky_Monkey
Ok, free means you do not pay for it, which in this case, um, does not apply and I will tell you why:
Go to Best Buy, and in their DVD section you will find the box set that everyone here purchased. You know how much it sells for? $69.95. Right, now that same box set is all we got, so why did we pay $99.98? (excluding the tips, donations, whatever you want to call them that Mr. Rojek supplied himself with) The answer is that we PAID for the bloody lunchbox and "bonus" DVD....that Mr. Rojek has not even paid the manufacturer for yet. I cannot believe that all these people are constantly whining in the BBB's, IFCC's and CA AG's ear and no one cares that this man took all this money, unlawfully, and has not paid for the product and says he "cannot afford" to repay his customers! What kills me most is the fact that they still advertise and sell the "Special Lunchbox edition" when there is no fricken lunchbox! UGH! To quote Angela...

"I could kill them, with my hands!"

I know how she feels!!!!
Another thing I find huge irony in is the 100% gaurantee clause they have...HA! The day that frozen pigs fly from HELL will be the day that they have a satisfied customer. As I told AU in one of my emails to them, they are just lucky that I do not live in California!