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Keep exerting pressure until all double charges are fixed.

Posted: Oct 21st 2002, 11:25 pm
by Jason R
Last week taught me an important lesson. The truth and group effort are very powerful weapons. After many months of no payment to BMG and GWhiz, we can breathe a little easier knowing that we forced to issue payment.

However (and I'm sorry if I sound like Sally Struthers here), our work is not done until every last overcharged person receives a credit. There are many hundreds of people waiting for refunds of funds that were improperly taken from their accounts.

I am not saying that the original charges were intentional, but the failure to provide a refund within 2-3 months was inexcusable. "We'll get around to it" is not an acceptable answer!

If you were double charged and you have not yet reported it to the Dry Grass site, please do it now. We will maintain a log and continue to work for your refunds. We will check with you regularly until you tell us that your money was refunded. We will help you to report your complaint to law enforcement if the refund is not issued within a reasonable timeframe.

Even though I have withdrawn from this project, know well that I am still going to be very involved until all charge disputes are resolved. Let's keep the pressure on AU until all double charges, overcharges and cancellations are processed.

Jason Rosenfeld

Posted: Oct 22nd 2002, 9:54 am
by Debs
Thanks Jason. I think I speak for everybody when I say we all appreciate you being here.

Posted: Oct 22nd 2002, 10:12 am
by Sammy Jankis
Anyone know any "guys" from Jersey that we can send over to visit Ross and AU to help persuade our case?

Posted: Oct 22nd 2002, 10:19 am
by Jason R
I used to live in Jersey. :D

Posted: Oct 22nd 2002, 3:34 pm
by john
I'm in the Jerz and I know people. But I thought Ross and AU are in Cali?

Posted: Oct 22nd 2002, 4:20 pm
by Jason R
Hey just meant guys from Jersey because we are all tough and macho and stuff.

Posted: Oct 23rd 2002, 9:24 am
by siandam
Jason Rosenfeld wrote:Hey just meant guys from Jersey because we are all tough and macho and stuff.
Yeah, cause when I think of Jason, I think all tough and macho and stuff.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Oct 23rd 2002, 9:28 am
by Jason R
I was being sarcastic. :D

Posted: Oct 23rd 2002, 11:54 am
by siandam
So was I.

Posted: Oct 23rd 2002, 1:04 pm
by socalledfan
How 'bout gals from Jersey? I throw a mean roundhouse kick to the head!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Oct 23rd 2002, 1:52 pm
by Natasha (candygirl)
I say we send Jason and SCF to pay a "social call" to Ross. Then they can come visit me in California.


Posted: Oct 23rd 2002, 2:01 pm
by Cornelius1047
candygirl wrote:I say we send Jason and SCF to pay a "social call" to Ross. Then they can come visit me in California.

Hey, if there's a party goin' on, I want in! I can't really do much, um, "damage", but I can certainly weaken them with my vast pointless movie knowledge. They'll be throwing cash at us by the time I'm done!


Posted: Oct 23rd 2002, 4:09 pm
by socalledfan
LOL! 8)

Cornelius, you're from Hamilton? My mom lives there, and most everyone else that I love! Small world! :)

My hubby and I live "at the shore" now but might eventually move to the Hamilton area, later when we have kids. Have you lived there long?

Posted: Nov 4th 2002, 5:52 am
by Cornelius1047
socalledfan wrote:LOL! 8)

Cornelius, you're from Hamilton? My mom lives there, and most everyone else that I love! Small world! :)

My hubby and I live "at the shore" now but might eventually move to the Hamilton area, later when we have kids. Have you lived there long?
Oops, I haven't been checking the boards much lately. I feel bad for not responding. :oops:

I've lived in the Hamilton area since I was a wee lad, about 22 years ago.