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Posted: Mar 11th 2003, 6:51 am
by CheapWallpaper
Well, I e-mailed off ages ago and still haven't got a form. I'll type out all the details and send them off to the address provided today.

Posted: Mar 11th 2003, 7:56 am
by henrik
I got mine today. I will return it to them, but I will not include my card number. I'll claim refund of the 180 USD that they charged my, and I will add the p&p costs and interest charge (is that the correct expression?) for the the seven months long delay.

Posted: Mar 12th 2003, 2:55 am
by ducksqueak
[/quote]I got mine today. I will return it to them, but I will not include my card number. I'll claim refund of the 180 USD that they charged my, and I will add the p&p costs and interest charge (is that the correct expression?) for the the seven months long delay.

May I ask what interest rate you charged AU? I hope it was like 25% like the credit card companies do.

Posted: Mar 12th 2003, 11:30 am
by henrik
ducksqueak wrote:May I ask what interest rate you charged AU? I hope it was like 25% like the credit card companies do.
I haven't decided yet. I'll probably go for 12% (normal interest rate for delayed payments here in Sweden) or 25%. I'll charge them from the date that I requested my refund - 7 months ago. I will also add a charge of 8 usd for p&p.

What's best for us europeans customers - International Money Orders och cheques?

Posted: Mar 12th 2003, 2:48 pm
by kidbro77

I sent them an email on February 3 requesting the Refund Form and just got mine in the mail yesterday (March 11).

I guess the general consensus/advice here is to fill it out and send it back to them?

Posted: Mar 13th 2003, 2:12 am
by RyeBlume
I emailed them ages ago and haven't recieved any kind of form in snail mail. I'm unsure of what to do... should I ask them for another form?

Posted: Mar 13th 2003, 3:24 pm
by vapspwi
RyeBlume wrote:I emailed them ages ago and haven't recieved any kind of form in snail mail. I'm unsure of what to do... should I ask them for another form?
It almost certainly couldn't HURT to ask them for another form. I wonder if maybe they're using this roundabout method of distributing forms as a way to meter the number of requests they actually have to process. (In other words, they only send out forms when they know they have the money to do some refunds.)


Posted: Mar 18th 2003, 8:09 pm
by So-Called Loon

The claim form doesn't look all that familiar. Probably just because it's been so long since i sent mine. And i can't remember if i gave them my card # again.

It was totally ridiculous anyway since i've provided all the information they could possibly have needed (which excluded my card#) all 25+ times i've contacted them via email, email form, phone...

Hell, the first few times i called AU all they required was my order # to bring up everything else. These email requests and claim forms are such a blatant stall tactic! Image


Posted: Mar 18th 2003, 10:12 pm
by Jason R
Don't forget, the so-called "new" management was left with this mess by the incompetent and criminal former CEO Ross Rojek and his former employees...

Wait a minute... The current CEO is still Ross Rojek! Wade still leaves the recordings on their voicemail! (no live customer service in months).... that means... that they are full of s h i t and are just pretending to be new owners...

That's how pathetic they are. That's what they have been reduced to. Lying to cover up past lies, which covered up theft and gross incompetence.

I'll bet you a lunchbox (hehe) that they will write to their customers soon saying "we, the new, completely innocent management had no idea about these lunchboxes that we received from Hong Kong, but we'd be happy to send them to you if you cover the shipping cost."

That's how utterly broke they are, and that is how desperate they have become. They are nothing if not consistent.

According to GWhiz, Ross even had the nerve to tell GWhiz that GWhiz was avoiding him! He threatened to involve his lawyers... Glad he has lawyers though, because he's going to need them. I hope they have criminal defense experience.
