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The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Posted: Jun 19th 2003, 3:23 pm
by mglenn
I'm about half way through The Da Vinci Code now. If you have any interest in Secret Societies, the Knights Templar or the search for the Holy Grail, I'd recommend this book.

I'll post my thoughts on it when I've completed it.

Posted: Jul 7th 2003, 10:51 am
by mglenn
This book presents an interesting take on the search for the Holy Grail. I like the book in general but was disappointed in the lack of subplots and the fact that the few there were didn't really move the story along. But it was a fast and enjoyable read non the less.

Posted: Jul 7th 2003, 10:59 am
by Nothingman
I've heard really good things about this book, and bought it about a week ago, but haven't had a chance to start it yet. I finished my current book this weekend so it is next on my list. I'll let you know what I think once I get into it.

Posted: Jul 15th 2003, 7:54 pm
by Sammi
Just finished this book, and it is a very good read. The only thing I didn't like about the book was that the final chapter didn't really seem to fit the story and they should have left it out. Definitely worth reading though.

Posted: Sep 30th 2003, 3:24 pm
by Nothingman
I loved this book. My mom is reading it now, and I've moved on to Angels & Demons which takes place before The Da Vinci Code, and involves the same main character Robert Langdon. Dan Brown did a great job on The Da Vinci Code, I hope his other works are as good. All the explanations of symbolism really captivated me. I also enjoyed the questions about the Chatholic Church and how they have used christianity. As well as how the churches current message may differ from the original intention. Brown's mix of mystery and thrills with such a rich historical backdrop is oustanding!

Posted: Sep 30th 2003, 6:20 pm
by fnordboy
This book caught my eye the other day while at Costco but I ended up not picking it up. After seeing this thread I think I will. I didn't realize that it was about the Knights Templar and such.

Posted: Oct 13th 2003, 2:10 pm
by fnordboy
So, I finally picked this book up. Thank god for Costco, got it at a good price. I also picked up Quicksilver and, just for you mglenn, I picked up the new Michael Moore book ;):twisted:.

I read a little bit of Da Vinci last night, I am liking it so far, I will probably read a good part of it tonight. I didn't want to stop last night but I was falling asleep (which is good since it was 4am lol).

Will weigh in with more of my thoughts when I get through a larger chunk of the book.

Posted: Oct 14th 2003, 4:47 am
by starbug
someone recently recommended this book to me too... I think I will order it, as I definitely respect his opinion on literature.

Plus I have also ordered Michael Moore's book - but Amazon seem to have run out of copies so it is taking ages to arrive :shock:

Posted: Oct 25th 2003, 8:50 pm
by Natasha (candygirl)
I have been hearing lots of good stuff about this book for months now, so I finally picked it up at Cost Co (after walking past it for weeks). I intended to read it on the plane ride to New Orleans in a few weeks (rationalization for buying more books!), but once I got home I realized that this book definitely exceeds my maximum space allowance for reading materials (no matter how long my trips are, I only bring a roll on suitcase for the overhead bin and a backpack). The up side is that I can start reading it right away instead!


Posted: Oct 27th 2003, 12:16 am
by Natasha (candygirl)
I finished reading this book today and I really liked the way it tied together a lot of different things I had learned throughout college. I am sure that I will end up reading it again to try to pick up on all the clues earlier in the book. I was really proud of myself for realizing [spoiler]the Sumerian looking text was just backwards as soon as I saw it[/spoiler], especially since I didn't spot the bad guys a mile away.


Posted: Oct 28th 2003, 1:57 pm
by Nothingman
Here is the interview of Dan Brown from the Today show yesterday discussing the book, its themes, and it's sucess.

Posted: Nov 2nd 2003, 2:32 am
by Natasha (candygirl)
FYI - ABC is doing an hour long special called "Jesus, Mary, and Da Vinci" on Monday night at 10pm. The description in my tv guide says the following:
Questions posted by the best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code are examined by ABC News correspondent Elizabeth Vargas in this new special. The program takes her to Italy, France, and the Holy Land itself as the probes for the truth behind recent allegations about Jesus and Mary Magdalene that have shaken religious and historical scholars. Among them is the claim that Mary may have given birth to Jesus' child.

Posted: Nov 3rd 2003, 5:24 pm
by fnordboy
candygirl wrote:FYI - ABC is doing an hour long special called "Jesus, Mary, and Da Vinci" on Monday night at 10pm.
I just heard Elizabeth Vargas on the Sean Hannity show and she said that the program will air tonight at 8pm on the East Coast, it is delayed to 10pm on the west because of football. So make sure you turn it on at the right time depending where you are. All you people in the middle...ya got me, I have no idea when it is on ;)

It sounds interesting though, and if I do not go to see Lost in Translation tonight I will watch it. Now are the times I realize I need a TiVo :(

Posted: Nov 3rd 2003, 6:07 pm
by Natasha (candygirl)
As always, check your local listings!

TiVo is sounding better and better every day, but I still haven't given in! I am going to New Orleans this week, so I am already trying to decide what shows I can miss and which shows must be recorded on the old fashioned VCR.


Posted: Nov 3rd 2003, 10:33 pm
by fnordboy
So I watched the ABC show before. I thought it was pretty interesting, it went a bit further into the ideas Dan Brown expressed in the book. They could have went deeper into some of them, actually I would have preferred them to, but I guess since it was only an hour what can I expect.

I am curious to hear what others think of the show, and the ideas expressed in it. I personally lean towards the belief that they were married and quite possibly did have a child. A lot of it makes sense to me.