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Update Needed: Did everyone get their bonus materials?

Posted: Aug 19th 2003, 8:38 am
by Spartacus
According to the AU letter they were being sent out at the end of July. If everyone has received them, I am going to update the site.

Posted: Aug 19th 2003, 8:50 am
by Sascha
LOL :twisted:

They sent their one-and-only promo set to Dan to keep us quiet. With success. :?

The master for the bonus DVDs is probably finished, but who knows where the lunchboxes are. Does anybody still have contact with GeeWhiz?

Posted: Aug 19th 2003, 12:11 pm
by Jason R
sab wrote:LOL :twisted:

They sent their one-and-only promo set to Dan to keep us quiet. With success. :?
But the look in Dan's eyes was so convincing! :roll:

Posted: Aug 19th 2003, 11:26 pm
by dTheater
Was there any word on whether or not Bedford Falls would let us stream the interview on the website?

Posted: Aug 20th 2003, 6:38 am
by ingramje
I have managed to get letters from the State of California Dept. of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, my local District Attorney and e-mails from Computer Crimes Litigation Specialist at the Attorney Generals office. Wonder if anything is happening or not. Also, what ever happened to the email that was sent out by freakskank or whomever the person was stating that the remainder of the materials would be received and sent out by the end of July? Also, on another note . . did anything ever take palce with the DVD Discoveries discs that Jason was supposed to get?

Posted: Aug 20th 2003, 12:44 pm
by Jason R
DVD Angle is apparently pulling the DVD Discoveries title. I am going to post a link where they are blowing them out for $3.99. In light of this price, it makes sense to buy the remaining copies directly from them.


Posted: Aug 24th 2003, 5:17 pm
by Oldguyy
So, I am confused. Did some people (or at least this guy Dan) actually get the bonus material? Because I sure haven't.

Posted: Aug 24th 2003, 7:23 pm
by andrewgd
Nobody got any bonus material. The stuff Dan got was a prototype lunchbox. Nobody seems to know where the lunchboxes are now, although we've been told they were on a ship to the US.

Spartacus was being sarcastic in the post, cause its very obvious that, even though its now been 19 months since some of us laid out our money for this project, NONE of us have seen a full return on that.

Its very unfortunate that our money was viewed as an investment, rather than payment for actual merchandise...

Message board manipulation

Posted: Aug 24th 2003, 7:52 pm
by Jason R
What happened 6 weeks ago was that NBC News was in the process of collecting information from ripped off customers. They also called me and asked me if I had contact information for Ross Rojek.

I gave everything I had to them.

A few days later, the email came out from telling people that the lunchboxes were on the way. This was news to me because, as far as I knew, G Whiz had since stopped doing business. Ross had even emailed me telling me that he had no way to contact them and that their phones were disconnected.

Around the same time as the email, we had the "Smiling Dan" photos, featuring the only known MSCL Lunchbox on this side of the Pacific. Kind of hard of me to argue with propaganda like that, but I did feel that it was a ruse. I told Dan I felt that way and he did actually tone down his original posts, and I thank him for that.

As for what happened with NBC? I don't know. Perhaps they believed Ross and believed the photos here and the mass mail sent by to the customers. Part of the problem in spreading the word about this fraud is that people just don't easily believe that a company willingly ripped off thousands of customers.

I will give whatever other information I've been told, although there's not much.

1) As you might have guessed, is down, not for remodelling, but because it is hard to have an ecommerce site without a merchant account provider. So in a way, the complaints appear to have caught up with him.

2) The AU email promised the lunchboxes and bonus discs at the end of July, it is now almost the end of August.

3) It has been at least a month since I heard anything from law enforcement.

I don't know what else there is that we can do as a group, but I would certainly like to go out with a bang before I leave it entirely in the hands of the media and law enforcement, who seem to not care very much. Any creative types have any ideas?


Posted: Aug 25th 2003, 3:49 pm
by moe
Jason R wrote:DVD Angle is apparently pulling the DVD Discoveries title. I am going to post a link where they are blowing them out for $3.99. In light of this price, it makes sense to buy the remaining copies directly from them.
But they only ship to the US and Canada :cry:
Any possibility to order that disc to europe? Maybe via Jason? :-P

Posted: Oct 11th 2003, 12:24 am
by GaryEA
Please use this thread to continue this topic.

Thank you! :D
